Part 1

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"Closing in on the target, Terence. What's going on round back?".

"They seem to be experimenting. They're compiling different variations of the serum to see if they can combine chemically with out cell failures in the subjects" my AI assistant says to me.

"Well we cant let that happen can we? Time to darken things up" I whisper, the corner of my mouth turning upwards slightly.

I send small blasts of energy towards the lights and computers, cutting everything out. The men and women start to panic and shout at each other. I crawl along the wall and move onto the ceiling, creeping into the lab undetected.

While they can't see, I can see everything perfectly. That's another good thing about my powers, the capability to trap everyone while I can roam free. My 'abilities' have enhanced a lot in the past month, and it's made work like this easier.

I see two men blindly feel around the desk and knock things over in the process. I roll my eyes and drop down quietly. I take out my gun and shoot the ceiling. Everyone shouts and screams. I move my wrist and the room lights up once again and the computers power up.

"Okay! Tell me who's in charge and I wont have to kill anyone. Sound fair?" I announce.
Everyone points to a small man with blond hair and glasses, his hands shaking in the air.

"Much obliged" I smile sweetly. A woman gets up to escape, but I shoot the ceiling again so she stays where she is. I turn back to the guy in charge.

"Okay, uh, Daniel is it? Don't look so frightened, I knew who you were before I got here, I have my resources. So you're going to guide me to the files, I'll insert the memory stick in to get the data, the police will arrive and take you all to prison for illegal experimentation, and we'll do this in a nice calm manner, agreed?" I say politely. Suddenly he gets up and raises a gun to my forehead. And one by one the people behind me raise weapons towards me too.

"Oof. Didn't see that coming. This is awkward" I laugh. I discreetly swirl my hand in circles, building up some energy.

"I guess we'll have to do this not so calmly" I sigh, before blasting the energy to the ground, causing everyone around me to go flying in different directions. This surge of energy temporarily casts a shadow over their sight, blinding them.

While everyone is on the ground, I quickly search through the computer to find any files under the code name "Shadow". Once I find it, I place the memory stick into the computer and gather the info.

However, some people start to gain their sight back and charge towards me.
"Terence, play "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC please" I say, raising my fists.

As the song plays, I kick their asses one by one, throwing punches left right and center while kicking and throwing them in different directions.

Out of nowhere, some guy pulls my hair and pushes me into the wall. I run up the wall and flip behind him. I punch him in the back of the head so he's unconscious.

I grab the memory stick and stuff it up my sleeve but then another guy grabs me by the neck and slams me into the glass door, smashing it, which ends with me falling into the long, dull corridor. Guards start running from one end.

"I've had the time of my life, but I gotta blast" I shout at the scientist, putting my middle finger up before I sprint in the opposite direction.
I reach an office and look for an escape route, the only one being a balcony, with no railings.
Whoever decided that is in need of education.

I smash through the windows and jump onto the balcony, but in doing so, my foot slips, and I'm falling and screaming.

Then, I'm yanked up by my feet and hung upside down.

"What do I always tell you? Watch your feet!".
I internally groan. Not now. Not again.

He swoops in and webs everyone up. How does he make it seem so effortless? I'm still new to this 'big enemy take down' thing.

After all the chaos, there's silence. I fold my arms and huff, blowing the hair strands out of my face.

Peter stands on the balcony to face me, his mask still on. His arms are folded too and he's not happy. Great. I'm in trouble.

"That was epic! Those guys weren't ready at all!" I smile awkwardly, giving him a thumbs up, but then realize I'm upside-down and turn my hand the other way. No response. Not good.

"Is this the part where we kiss? Aren't you supposed to be the one upside-down?" I laugh. Still no response. Cue the lecture in three......two......

"What the hell were you thinking?! I though we agreed no more going after these crooks! It's too dangerous! What if you died?! You know, this is just......" he lectures but I don't listen and just roll my eyes and move my lips to imitate him.

"This isn't a joke! This is serious! You keep going after these people and putting yourself in danger!" He rants.

I remove my mask and and motion towards my face. "Does this face look like it cares?! Nope! Now get me down from here cos the blood is getting to my head" I retort. He doesn't move a muscle. He shrugs and turns to go leave.

"Wait! I'll force you to let me pay for dinner on Friday! And I will never watch Star Wars with you ever again!" I threaten. He keeps strolling away from me. "Oh! And above all, I will show your Avengers impressions to Tony and play it every time you come over!".

He stops dead in his tracks and marches straight back. "NEVER show them to anyone" he says lowly, pointing at me.

I bag my eyelashes and pout. He sighs and mutters to himself as he pulls the web towards the balcony and gets me down.

"You're lucky I love you, or I would have left you hanging there for eternity with no remorse" he scowls. I beam at him.

"Yeah, I am lucky aren't I?" I reply. He takes his mask off and hugs me tightly.

"I don't want to lose you again. Remember last time? I thought you were dead!" He says. My smile disappears.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just.....well......they're planning something! I need to get to the bottom of it! There's only two more labs that exist around New York and they need to be destroyed!" I exclaim. Peter looks at me for a moment and hugs me again, kissing me on the head.

"Just let me take you back. Mr Stark will be looking for us both" he says softly before putting his mask back on. I do the same and hold on tight to him as we travel to Avengers Tower.

The whole journey I think of the past month. Me, training constantly, improving my powers, taking down these labs and getting in trouble after doing so.

Living with Tony Stark and spending time with Peter, Ned and even Michelle. Peter being the best boyfriend ever and me trying to be just as good, but always failing cos he's perfect and I'm not.

I remember the pain I went though a month ago. Losing Dad, and then getting the serum. His funeral. I just want it to end.

I know I should stop, for Peter's sake, but I can't. Knowing that serum is still out there, it needs to be destroyed. And I need to be the one to do it, whatever the cost is.

Dusk // Peter Parker (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें