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Chapter Two

"Will you stop correcting me?"

"If you stop being wrong."

"Remus!" Charlie hissed.

James started to shove Remus; Peter and Charlie quickly pushed themselves between the two. The four had now started to receive attention from the other students in the middle courtyard. James ran a hand through his hair and glared at Remus.

"You're such a know-it-all, Lupin."

Remus huffed. "Right." He turned and left into the middle tower. Charlie shot a look at James, burning a hole into his head, and took off after Remus. The crowd began to disperse as Peter stood in front of James.

James shuffled his feet, scraping the soles of his shoes on the ground. He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at Peter. "Did I cross the line, there?"

Peter nodded.

Charlie caught up to Remus in the marble staircase and pulled his arm back.

"Alright listen-"

Remus whipped around and faced her. "Charlie you shouldn't even be here."

Charlie looked up at his puffy face. "Remus, I-"

Remus shook his head. "Don't try to read me. You shouldn't be coming after me when it wasn't you." Before Remus could walk away from her, Charlie pulled on his arm again.

"Are you being abused?" she blurted. If Charlie was being honest, this was not her most solid theory.

Remus was baffled. "What?"

Charlie sighed and began motioning her hands when she explained herself. "You work really hard in class. You go home every month, and you come back with bruises and scars - more than a normal eleven year old boy should ever have." Remus tried interrupting her but she covered his mouth with her hand. Charlie's voice got soft. "Reems, I need you to tell me. You tell me now, otherwise I find Dumbledore or anyone I can get and I tell them."

Remus ran his hands over his face and through his hair and was beginning to turn pink.

"Charlie," he began. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing dozens of scars that were in different phases of healing. "I'm not being abused." Remus flashed a faint smile as he looked down at Charlie, who immediately shook her head.

"Remus, you are hiding something." Charlie insisted.

Remus shook his head and leaned against the railing. "Right."

She folded her arms and stood in front of him. "Well, out with it."

He shut his eyes and thought for a moment. As Remus looked over at her again, he said, "I'm a leprechaun."

Charlie snorted. "Remus-" Remus rolled his eyes and pushed her shoulder jokingly.

"Actually, I'm a werewolf."

Charlie snorted again. "Reems, stop messing around-"

He raised his arms in defense.

Charlie grunted. "If you don't want to tell me, Remus, fine."

As she quickly walked away, eyebrows furrowed, she found herself telling him to 'shove off' as he tried to talk to her. No one wanted to go near the red faced girl with steaming ears, and so she was left unbothered as she stormed into the Gryffindor Tower, where she stumbled into Sirius, James, and Peter.

Charlie pointed her finger and dug it into James' chest, who was bewildered of course.

"Moldy. Filthy. Cheese." she said through gritted teeth. She walked around the boys and was stepping onto the stairs to the girls' dormitories when Sirius opened his mouth.

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