The first day of summer

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You were waiting for Maddie to pick you up so you guys can go to the mall to get some new clothes for you're trip to Allentown, PA.
" Maddie get in the car loser we're going shopping "
Ok ok damn I'm coming says Posey. You guys arrived at the mall and head straight to hot topic, the first thing you grab was a pair of black and white checkered pants and then you grabbed a black crop top with dragons on it , Maddie grabs a pair of black pants and a white shirt with a angel on it. You guys pay for your clothes then you leave the mall to go get some food. When you got back home you tried on your new clothes and you took some pictures.

The next morning You woke up to a call from Maddie telling you to get ready because

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The next morning

You woke up to a call from Maddie telling you to get ready because

you guys were leaving soon for your trip, so you got up and took a shower and put on some clothes and ran downstairs and said bye to your mom and the walk to maddie's car. Your first stop was Starbucks cuz ya girls need there coffee, you got a venti caramel Frappuccino with extra whip cream and Maddie got a venti mocha ice coffee. You guys Proceeded to the highway to get to the airport to get on you're flight to Allentown, PA., You guys had to wait on a 6 hour plane ride, Maddie had fell asleep so you were just listening to you're downloaded music on you're phone. You guys finally landed in
Allentown, PA., Then you see...............

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