Chapter 26

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"It's too cold! Get me a blanket."

"It's too hot! Why the hell did you give me a blanket?!"

Vi was a complainer when she was sick. Her family growing up tried their best to keep her healthy so they didn't have to pay the consequences. Vi was known to be needy she was under the weather and terrifying to all the non-sick members around her.

"Because you told me to princess." Colby sighed as he watched the girl kick off the fuzzy covers in an angry huff.The puppy beside her was tossed into a pile of pillows and let out a yip.

The woman twisted on her side clutching her stomach. Her back was towards the man who held a nose of soup. Vi was acting like a complete child....

"Vi,baby you have to eat something. You haven't eaten all day." He started "Plus your mother made it too. She told me to tell you it was your fa-"

Vi did not hesitate to move her head to look at him. The smell of the soup lingered in the room's air filling her nose. She was drooling at the smell. "Sopa de pollo?" She spoke in a small voice.

"I guess? That's what your mom told me." He shrugged and watched her sit up straight with a smile across her pale face. Her hair was in a messy bun but that didn't stop from looking beautiful in his eyes.

He handed her the small bowl with a spoon inside swirling around the liquids. "Aaah smells so good." She giggled. Vi didn't waste anymore seconds and started to dig into her soup.

The first spoonful was glorious. It made her feel on cloud nine. "You like it?" Colby asked.

The brunette nodded her head and took another spoonful of delicious soup. The vegetables mixed in brought out more flavor to the chicken. "Definitely."


Colby brushed the hair out of her face. Little snores came from her mouth as she cuddled in her mountain of pillows and blankets alongside her companion Lucky. He took off his socks and slid into the open space next to her. He knows he shouldn't be sleeping next to her because she's scared he'll get sick but he pushed her away back then. This was his time to change.

"How could've I been so stupid?" He mumbled. His eyes traveled down her face. She was beautiful in his eyes. He believed his pride and career got the best of him and made his change.

"I love you Vi." He kissed his fingers and touched her forehead. Colby got under the covers and cuddled next to Lucky. Unknowingly, a smile found its ways to Vi's sleeping face. Even though she hadn't heard his confession, she felt as if something good happened to her.

It was the little things that mattered most.


Vi woke up feeling more stronger than yesterday. She still felt sick but the medicine was doing it's best to help her. "Maybe I'm be-" she jinxed herself. A feeling of nausea erupted from her stomach. "Never mind." She groaned and sprinted to the bathroom.

Colby was already up however with medicine in one hand. His eyes were red due to the ungodly hour he was woken up at. 'I'm doing this for her. For her'

"You found alright in there?" He asked. Vi didn't answer him back in a full sentences. "Yeah cough* I'm fine cough* cough need water." She wheezed. Her hands slammed against the light switch to shut off the power to the lights above her.

Vi stumbled out the small bathroom to find the lovesick man holding a cold water bottle and some pills. "Thanks Colby." She whimpered. Vi downed the pills quickly and 1/4 of the water that was given to her.

"Let's gets some rest now." He guided Vi by her shoulder "you looks like shit." To the bed.
The chills were getting to her already and the cold breeze nicked at her skin. Vi curled into a thick blanket and snuggled into the warmth.


"Yes. Thank you Colby." She slurred. "I love you."

Sadly Colby was too tired to even acknowledge the response. He only nodded deeper into the pillow and drifted off the sleep.

ROUGE ; Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now