Chapter 25

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It was always 7:35 am. Time to get up and get ready for her day. Today was not the case , Vi awoke and ran to bathroom with a covering the entrance to her mouth. Colby stirred in his sleep as he opened his eyes to see the bathroom light flick on and Vi wasn't in sight.

He could hear her wheeze and cough. Lopez sat up from the bed and carefully removed the blanket that Lucky was asleep on. He made his way to the bathroom and saw her on her knees by the toilet. Her hair was in a messy bun and she her tank top was all wrinkled with her sweat pants.

"Vi?" He called out. The girl waved her hand at him meaning for him to go away. She was visibly shaking,she hoisted herself up with the bathroom counter and flushed the toilet.

Colby turned on the the sink for Vi and watched her hands rub together under the water. "God you look awful."he thought out loud.

Vi looked at him with a gloomy face. "Gee thanks." She coughed into her elbow. Colby guided her to the bed and laid her down to rest.

"Get some sleep princess." He brushed a hair outta her face.

"Mmmphhf bye." She yawned and turned over to cuddle her puppy. He smiled and turned bathroom light back off. He looked back at her sleeping figure before exiting her bedroom.


"Hey Vi...." Colby peeked his head in her room. He had a bowl of soup with a glass of water. He also had some medicine for her to take to ease her nausea.

"Hmm?" She sat up in her bed. Her messy drooped to the side making him chuckle.

"Here. You been sleeping for awhile. I hope you don't have anything serious." He said and rubbed her head. She knew what he meant. A breakage of a virus was spreading killing off the weak everywhere. It was a worldwide pandemic.

"I don't have the corona virus you dork." She snorted.

"You never know." He said and watched her take her medication. She gulped the pills down in a matter of seconds and let out a burp which woke up Lucky.

The dogs tail wagged around happily and started to lick her face. "Aww lucky!" She patted his head and pulled the dog closer to her.

"I'll take you in a walk." She smiled. Colby looked at her in concern. Vi rolled her eyes and got up.

"I'm not fucking dying you know? I can walk my baby." She retorted. She grabbed his leash from a drawer beside her bed and latched it on Luckys collar. As Lopez began to walk away to go play on her PS4 like he had been doing all morning,

"Colbbbbbyyy." Vi sang out.


"Can I wear your slides? I'm too lazy to find mine." Vi asked. The Lopez looked back at her with a weird face. "Why? Your sick I don't want your germ-"

"Please?!" She begged and held her dog up showing her puppy face.

He sighed and took off his shoes. "Fine." He mumbled and gave the nikey slides to her. She nodded in satisfaction and slipped her socks through the black shoes.

"I'll won't be gone too long." She stood up and placed Lucky down. The girl made her way towards her front door. I guess she was still unaware of what she was wearing still, this made Colby sprint down like speedy Gonzalez.

"No Vi!" Colby almost tripped over his feet while running down the stairs. He had a big T-shirt in his hand "You don't have a shirt on!"

Vi looked down at her attire, she wore a sports bra and some gray sweatpants. She shrugged and turned the knob of the door. "Vi...don't you dare leave this house without a shirt." He warned.

"I'm wearing sports bra.. it's normal."

He was catching his breathe on the railing. Vi turned the knob a bit more. "You don't know! I don't want people looking at you."


She turned the knob a bit more this time the door could open all the way.


The door opened with a loud creak making Lucky's ear perk up at the noise. The dog was looking back forth at their conversation. His tongue was sticking out between his teeth and sat their star struck.

"VI..." he gritted his teeth.

Vi smirked and opened the door a bit more. She slowly grabbed Lucky. "Fine I'll put on a shirt." She started. Colby sighed in relief and stood up straight.

"Finally I thought you were gonn-" he was cut off by her squeezing through the door with Lucky in her arms and running outside into her front yard.

"Violett!" He used her full name. He threw open the door and dashed after the laughing female. Vi snickered and ran down the side walk while her dog ran beside her.

"Violett get back here!" Colby yelled.

"Not until I've had my full walk." She screamed back in response but started to cough into her elbow making her slow down. "Okay maybe I didn't think this through." She said to herself and wheezed.

Colby finally caught up to her and heard her coughing. "Jesus Vi you sound like a whale." He told her. The girl glared at him and was about to yell but was cut off by more coughing.

"Okay. Let's get you back to the house. I don't want you pushing yourself. I'll call the company and your dad." He hugged her close, she was shivering and it wasn't even that cold outside.

She nodded and stayed close to him. He was warm enough for her arms to wrap around his side. Lucky picked up his leash in his mouth and followed the two home.

Hello beings! How was this for the first chapter in awhile? For me it was kinda eh! But I promise you I will get better and better! And yes I'm not dead! I've just been watching tik toks and playing games after my school work as my way of relaxing.

Also I have been binge watching anime's too! Yes I'm a weeb. I was so glad to hear people wanted me to continue my story☺️☺️!

Love ya!

ROUGE ; Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now