Talk to Me

978 24 7

              Ava raised her arms above her head, tucking her hands behind her hair to cushion her head. "I... I love you guys with all my heart, I never want to lose any of you. I've built a friendship with every single one of you that might as well be as strong as the relationship between me and my dads... I wouldn't trade the world for any of you." She sat up as she put her hand under Pierce's chin, making him look at her. She trailed her hand up his face against his jawline, tucking his hair behind his ear.
              Pierce cradled his face in her palm, raising his hand, softly brushing his finger tips against the back of her hand. "Ava, may I ask a question?"
             Ava held a soft smile, her heart feeling full. "Go ahead, ask anything you want. I'll answer the best I can..."
             Pierce looked up into her champagne pink eyes, swallowing as he felt a pit in his stomach arise. He hesitantly asked, "What is it like to be a human..?"
              Ava began to brush his hair back with her nails, taking the ribbon out of his dark brown hair, setting it on the bed. She needed him to know that he can trust her, so she attempted to make him feel as comfortable as possible, hearing the hesitation in his voice. She combed his hair, curling her hand with her wrist, making his hair fall down his shoulders.
              Ava began to speak, "Well... it truly depends, being human is alright... we have high intelligence, we're peaceful, we somehow created a society in which being sophisticated and humane is basic... and those who fall out of it, well.. most of the time get rehabilitated."
              Pierce understood bits and pieces, though he filled in the misunderstood blanks, understanding what she was saying. "I understand." He was getting a bit drowsy as his hair was being played with. His hair was thin and frizzy, so it was most likely tangled already, though he didn't exactly care, his hair being tangled is normal.
               Ava smiles a bit as she took the giant teddy bear and she leaned herself up against her bed frame, bringing him up so his head is on her shoulders, his shoulder blades against her knees as she still fiddled with his hair.
               Pierce felt his face warm up as he blushed a bit, his pointed ears facing down. Though he did not want to come off as disrespectful, so he relaxed a bit as he tucked his arms to his chest. This reminded him of when he pet her so she could sleep, so he looked up at the gentle girl, and he spoke softly, "Thank you... for your kindness."
              Ava took in a small gasp as she smiled brightly at him "You're very welcome, now, sleep..." She put a pillow behind her own head as she held him in her lap, Pierce gently dozing off to sleep.

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