Chapter 17

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"You sure you wanna do this, Nom?", Grizz asked with a voice full of concern.

"I have to, Grizz", Nom Nom said firmly. "So else this is never gonna stop."

"But the moment they see you they're gonna rip you apart", Panda warned.

"Suicide mission", Ice Bear agreed. Nom Nom had made up his mind to put an end to the crazed fan foolishness once and for all.

"I know!", Nom Nom growled and took a deep breath. "I know. But I gotta do this before it all gets worse that it already has. Don't worry I gotta plan. I already called Farmer and he's on his way. As soon as I get back home it's all gonna be over."

As if on cue all four bears were treated to a knock at the door. Grizz rushed to the door to take a peak at who it was, an instant wave of relief washing over him as he saw it was indeed Farmer. He opened the door and Nom Nom's personal guard/assistant stepped inside.

"Nom Nom sir. I came as quickly as I could. But are you sure this is a good idea?", Farmer asked in an uneasy voice.

"Yes, yes. I've heard all this before. We gotta hurry up before they see!", Nom Nom urged, climbing into Farmer's arms. "Come on, let's go!"

"Be careful, Nom!", Grizz urged as the two of them quickly darted for Farmer's car. As quickly as they could, the two sped off down the path forest towards Nom Nom's mansion. The bears watched until the car disappeared from their sight behind a cloud of thick dirt.

"I hope he'll be alright", Panda whimpered as Grizz shut the door.

"RIsky, but good plan", Ice Bear thought aloud. "Might work."

"M-might?", Panda gulped.

"Bros, he's gonna be just fine!", Grizz said, trying to convince himself as well. His brothers followed behind him as Grizz returned to the couch and turned on the TV.

"Breaking news! Our undercover reporters have just confirmed sights of the in-hiding internet celebrity, Nom Nom! He was last scene heading down South Street and they have reason to suspect that he is heading back to his mansion. You heard it here first, folks! Tune in to channel 12 where we'll be live to get an unscripted, uncut interview to hear an explanation from Nom Nom himself!", the reporter spoke.

"What?!", Grizz cried out, panic flowing through inch of his body."B-but how? Everyone knows now!"

"They're gonna swarm his mansion!", Panda panicked as well.

"No way for him to escape", Ice Bear shook his head solemnly.

"I gotta go after him!", Grizz yelled, jumping from the couch and taking off. Before Ice Bear or Panda could get a word in he was already out the door, running as far as his four legs could take him.

As Farmer ushered Nom Nom towards his mansion the koala was deep in thought. He was considering the future after he did what he planned. What would do from then on? Would he even have a future anymore? He chuckled at the thought, before he considered being left with nothing a horrible fate. But thinking about it now gave him a feeling of lightness, a feeling of what he could only describe as freedom. Just being able to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He could feel whatever he wanted or didn't want to feel. He would never have to fake a smile again. If he wanted to frown, he could without the worry of a reputation or a snooping member of the press. The very idea made him sigh and sit back in his seat. Soon it'll all be over, Nom Nom thought to himself.

"We're here, Nom Nom sir", Farmer stated, already unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Good. Let's just hurry up and get this over with...", Nom Nom took a deep breath and hopped into the arms of Farmer. As Farmer hurried down the pave-way towards the front door of the mansion Nom Nom looked back over his shoulder. Once he did his breath caught in his throat. He could see them. Arriving in hoards. So many of them. Running over one another. He knew that they saw him. There was no way that the gate was gonna hold them back for long.

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