-2- Under observation

Start from the beginning

"And I'm supposed to believe that?"

"Sure you do. Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know, with your good looks you just snap your fingers and you've got at least 10 women who'd come running to you in a heartbeat."

"Why women? Who says I like women?"

"That was just an example. Besides, I don't know you, so how would I know who or what you like?"

"Bunny, don't get mad, OK? Look, you already know my name. I'm 25 years old. I've been working as a lifeguard for three years, indoor winter. It doesn't pay much, but it's a job I enjoy. I have a big brother who is also a lifeguard, two parents who love me very much and earn their living as managers of a supermarket. I am and have never been interested in women. And who I like, I can also answer. You, my Bunny. Because the minute I saw you walk into that pool, I was all over you."

"Uh-huh. Thanks for your resume. You didn't have to explain it in such detail."

"Yes, I did. Because you're supposed to get to know your future husband."

"Oh really? This future husband thing again? Did that ever work as a pickup line?"

"That's not a pickup line, that's a fact. You'll see. Someday I'll put a ring on your finger."

"Oh, dear. I feel like I'm in a Korean drama right now. "You're the man trying to win over the queen of his heart. And the most ridiculous thing is, I am the Queen of Hearts." Zhan laughed and couldn't get that image of himself and Yibo in a drama out of his head.

"Okay, Queen of My Heart, tell me about yourself."

"I don't know why, but okay. So I'm Xiao Zhan, 26 years old, and I work in a bookstore. I started as a simple employee and now I'm a team leader. Today is my first day of a 14-day vacation. My first real vacation in four years. I have an older sister, she is married and raises her two sons, so she doesn't work, fortunately her husband earns enough money as a sales representative to support the family. My parents are living in the country since 8 years and run a small organic farm, which they actually wanted to run with my uncle and aunt, but they changed their minds at the last moment. Anything else?"

"Mn. Are you in a relationship?"

"No, I'm not."

"Will you come back here?"

"That's the plan. I want to spend my vacation here. Thanks to my sister, I have a season pass and can spend the coming 13 days here."

"Can I have your mobile number?"

"What for?"

"So I can call you when I miss you."

"I'm thinking about it, whether to give you my cell phone number or not."

They had been talking for over an hour when Yibo asked, "Do you want to go swimming? That's what you came here for, isn't it?"

"You and me?"

"Yes, why not? If you suddenly need help in the water, I'll be right there to rescue you. You have your very own lifeguard now."

"Yes, but I can swim and I don't think I'll need my own lifeguard."

"You never know, my Bunny. Come on, let's go for a swim."

Yibo got up and pulled Zhan up, he held Zhan by his wrist and went with him to the guard tower where Yibo took off his clothes and put them there. Zhan also took off his clothes and Yibo packed them to his clothes. "Oh, by the way, I'm gonna wash your shirt and bring it back to you." Said Zhan as Yibo takes the clothes from him.

" I have given it as a gift to you Bunny. You can wear it here all the time now."

"Yes, but it has your name stitched on it. So..."

"Then everyone will know right away who you belong to. So please keep it and carry it here for me."

A laugh rang out from the watchtower. "I've never seen my little brother flirt. I'm sure it'll be interesting."

"You should concentrate better on yourself. Who among us is 30 years old and still single?" Yibo replied.

Zhan whispered to Yibo, "He's really 30 years old? He doesn't look like that."

"Hey, don't look at my brother. Look at me." Yibo responded, acting horrified.

"I'm just saying." Zhan replied with a grin.

Yibo shook his head, took Zhan by the hand and walked with him to the pool steps. Zhan just followed him in silence, watching his hand, which was firmly in Yibo's grip. At first he wanted to pull his hand away, but then he let it go, because, even though he would never admit it under the greatest torture, he somehow liked it.

Also, for the second time that day, Zhan looked at the lifeguard's well-trained body. Especially his abs had attracted him. And he really had to pull himself together not to stare at them obviously.

As Yibo wetted his body, Zhan swallowed heavily as he saw the water pearls running down Yibo's abs. And it cost him all his strength not to imagine how he licked them away with his tongue.

Hurriedly, Zhan wet his body and hurried into the water and swam away immediately. He had to distract himself, trying to get this image of himself and Yibo out of his mind. Because it was very hard for Zhan to believe that Wang Yibo is really interested in him. And once again he didn't want to have his heart broken.

So he preferred to pretend that he didn't care about the lifeguard at all. Maybe they could become friends. But Zhan didn't believe they could have a relationship. In his eyes, he was probably just a summer flirt for Yibo, and as soon as Zhan's vacation is over, the flirt would probably be over too.

My Crazy Lifeguard [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now