the day after

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i woke up feeling relived from last night it was so amazing but my cat hurt so much but in a good was 8:30 am and we had to be at the beach by 9 am i thought i would be able to get ready in adams room but then i relised i had none of my stuff with me so i had to sneak out his room.when i was about to leave adam said in a tired voice "good morning princess,where are u going.?" i said i had to go get ready for the beach but then adam looked me up and down got up pushed me against the wall and said "or u can stay here and we can do other things" i wanted to stay but i knew kimberly would try finding me so i just said "common adam let's just go to the beach." i got to the beach and saw cody and his friends so i went as far as possible from them.kimberly asks me where i was this morning so i just told her i left earlier to get breakfast.after i took some pictures on the beach i went near the ocean alone until out of no where a random girl pushed me and a wave came and knocked me down the life guard blew the wistle and came into the water.the waves kept on pulling me under until it got harder and harder to breathe my vision started getting blurry and then i saw nothing.(POINT OF VIEW FROM ADAM)  i saw te lifeguard blow his wistle and jump into the water to save y/n i a, in panick until i saw her getting unconscious i grabbed y/n and put her down on the sand got on top of her and gave y/n mouth to mouth.(BACK TO YOUR POINT OF U) things started to get less blurry for me i started seeing colours and i saw someone on top of me giving me mouth to mouth and i saw it was adam when i woke up he said "are you ok y/n?" and gave me a hug i said yes in a confused way wondering why that person would push wasn't felicia or kimberly it was a girl who looked 15 younger then me but she had braces,greenish and blueish eyes that were pretty scary,i wonder who it was.i went back to my hotel room with kimberly and she said "OMG u put felicia in her place when adam gave u mouth to mouth!" "what do u mean?" i asked "well did u forget how felicia likes every guy in the school including adam!" i just started laughing  and for the rest of the day i just stayed on my phone.5 DAYS LATER- it was our last day at the resort before we would have to go back to our town from the field trip,i was talking to kimberly until she brought adam over so we can make felicia jealous for some reason,i was just talking with adam and kimberly until i felt myself get slapped and punched i looked up and saw felicia AND THE GIRL WHO PUSHED ME IN THE WATER!adam yelled at the girl who pushed me in the water "what the hell emily why would u do that!?" i said "you know her?" he said "yeah she's my little sister.EMILY ANSER MY QUESTION" emily said "ONLY I CAN HAVE YOU NOT THAT LITTLE B" "what do mean emily he just gave me mouth to mouth cause i was going to DIE because of u" emily smirked and said "oh no y/n don't play all sweet girl with me i saw you and adam last night in the hot tub and i'm going to publish this video on the internet right now" kimberly looked at me after yelling at felicia saying "what does she mean by you both in the hot tub..?" i explained to her adam and i just made out cause i didn't want to say what we actually did in front of emily and felicia or else i would get a beating from them.felicia tried punching me but thankfully kimberly held her back.but the only problem was that video right now i don't care if i get punched or slapped another time all that matters was that video getting published.

adam jonesxyou😽❤️💕✨🧚🏻‍♀️🥰🌲👁👄👁Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora