a really good title

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Your pov

"Hey uh... excuse me? Ma'am?"

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light and see a little kid standing in front of me. I looked at my surroundings and came to the disappointing conclusion that I fell asleep at the station.

"Good day, ma'am. I'm lost, do you know where my brother is?" The little boy said.

My eyes looked at the kid in front of me, he looked about 5 years old and was weiring a jeans salopet with a black and white striped shirt. He had brown hair and big, blue eyes. In his hand he had a stuffed bunny and it looked like he had been crying.

"What does he look like?" I asked, trying to help the poor boy.

"Like me but bigger." He simply stated.

"I don't think so, do you want me to help you find him?"

This made the boy smile a little but he didn't answer, instead he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a little store at the side of the station.

"This is where I last saw him, I saw a butterfly and I followed it and now I lost him." The poor boy started crying a little mid sentence.

"Don't worry, I'll help. I'm super good in finding people, you know?"

"Really?" He said with this hopefully look upon his face.


Like on que we hear a voice behind us. It was a tall guy, he looked around my age and he looked a lot like the little boy.

"Oh dear god, Brandon! I thought I would never see you again, I was so scared! Where did you go? Who is this?"

"Oh hye, I'm y/n. This little explorer here asked me to help him find you. Your his brother I suppose?"

"Yes, I am." He looked me in the eyes. "George's the name." He hold his hand out for a handshake which I gladly accepted.

"Brandon, I thought I told you not to talk with strangers?"

"I'm sorry, I was just really scared and she seemed nice." Brandon said.

"She does, doesn't she..." George looked me in the eyes again. " I hope you didn't miss your train because of this?"

"Oh no, I actually don't have a ticket yet. I ran away from... home? And I apparently fell asleep here." I talked like it was not a big deal, with a little chuckle at the end of my sentence but we both knew it really was a big deal.

"Oh dear god, let us help you?" The older brother said

"What do you mean?"

"We have a spear bedroom and we would be happy to let you-"

"Oh no, I can't. I don't have any money to pay you."

"You don't have to pay, see it as a gift. A thank you for bringing my brother back and not kidnapping him." He said with a wink, making me laugh a little.

I sighed, looking the guy into his eyes again.

"But I don't want to be a burd-"

"A burden? If I wouldn't want it I wouldn't have asked."

After a lot of convincing I decided I was going to sleep there for the night and would look for a place to stay tomorrow.

Me and the boys talked for a little before our train arrived and we all got in. These brothers are really interesting and funny. I haven't had a smile in days so it was nice to finally be able to have a happy moment for a bit, forgetting everything that happened is the one thing I really need right now.

My Boy // m.f. xreaderWhere stories live. Discover now