4: A Little Less Vanilla, A Little More Aerated Cream

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It was terrifying and riveting at the same time and he felt like he was going to pee a little bit. If Ryan was broadening his horizons with sex, then maybe he would be okay with it. That was what Frank kept telling himself, even as he pulled the car up into their driveway. He exhaled, killing the engine and wished himself luck because he didn't know how it would end but a little luck never hurt anyone.

"Hey babe," Frank called out as he entered the house, dropping his keys into the bowl before he shut the door behind him, "I'm home."

"Hi!" Ryan sang out from the kitchen, or so Frank assumed from the direction of Ryan's melodic voice. He turned and wandered into the kitchen, he looked to see Ryan standing there by the counter with a smile on his face. Frank smiled back at Ryan while he dropped his small shoulder bag on the table. He went over to kiss Ryan on the cheek, "You took your time."

Frank frowned at the comment, "What do you mean?"

"Thought you would have been back sooner," Ryan commented, shrugging, "It's already past six."

"So?" Frank shrugged as well, "It was Friday and there were queues."

"Okay." Ryan nodded, clearly believing Frank's tiny lie. He watched Frank for a moment as Frank opened the door, putting it in the fridge while his other hand held tightly onto his bag, concealing what was still in there, "Good day at work?"

"Yeah." Frank breathed out his answer, uncaring about work. His mind was on one track and that track definitely didn't involve talking about work, "S'good day, dude."

"Good." Ryan smiled happily and Frank eyed his partner, seeing the brown eyes he loved so much were practically sparkling with glee, "Glad you had a good day."

Frank could sense that something was going on with Ryan. He quirked an eyebrow at him, trying to figure out why he seemed in such a chirpy mood, "What?"

"What?" Ryan mimicked, still smirking, folding his arms across his chest, leaning back against the counter with one skinny ankle crossed over the other in a lazy fashion.

"You just look..." Frank started, trying to find the right words in his head to say to Ryan, try and work him out, but he couldn't find the right words. Frank brushed it aside for a moment, hand still holding onto his bag which he was attempting to hide by his side, changing the subject, "It doesn't matter. I, uh, I got something from the store..."

"Oh?" Ryan said curiously, eyes dropping to the leather shoulder bag, "What did you get? We didn't need anything else."

"I know," Frank said, feeling himself getting nervous, "I've got something to show you that... I thought we could do..."

"Hang on." Ryan stopped Frank midway through, "I was going to tell you later, but I can't wait any longer. I'm sorry." Ryan was clearly excited, Frank could tell. It wasn't like Ryan to interrupt, so he just nodded at his boyfriend, giving him the go-ahead to say his piece first.

"What's up?"

"So, I spoke to Brendon today," Ryan started, practically smiling from ear to ear while he carried on, "I told him what you told me. He then went and passed it on and... Frank, sweetheart, I got you an interview."

"Dude, are you serious?" Frank stuttered out in disbelief, his eyes widening. He had struggled at work trying to think of anyone at all that would actually be willing to spend a short amount of time talking to him. Frank had hoped that he wasn't going to fail.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded quickly, "So, I got you an interview with Gerard Way. He's gonna let Brendon know when he's free and then he will let me know and then... Yeah, you go and do your thing with him."

"That's fantastic!" Frank beamed, his brain not quite having the information sink in yet. He was way too preoccupied, "So uh... My thing."


"I got something at the store..." Frank repeated, pulling his bag into view, digging his hand in shakily. He pulled a can of whipped cream out for his lover, holding it and showing it to Ryan. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to say how he wanted to use it; Ryan should have pegged what he wanted to do with it, especially with the way Frank was eyeing him up.

But of course, Ryan didn't get it. He was looking at the can and looking at Frank over and over again with both brows furrowed. He put his hands on his hips as he leaned in to read the Cool Whip label. He bit his lip and Frank could tell he was clearly trying to figure it out, "So like... Are we making a dessert or something?"

"I guess you could call it that, yeah." Frank chuckled, knowing that Ryan hadn't got it straight away. It didn't help that with the way Frank's head was right now, he would have happily have had dessert before his dinner.

"But," Ryan stopped for a second, shifting his weight as he straightened up away from the tin, "We haven't even had dinner yet. I was planning on making that stir-fry we had last month with the chilies and the-"

"Let's skip dinner." Frank offered, taking a step closer to Ryan, hoping that he was getting the gist of what he was saying.

Ryan looked like he wanted to protest but Frank stopped him with a hand on his hip, pushing him against the counter as lips locked and Frank kissed him. He sighed into the kiss, setting the can down on the counter so he had another free hand. He deepened the kiss, his free hand getting into Ryan's curly hair. Frank pressed himself against Ryan, groaning into the kiss when Ryan softened up a little bit. One hand rested on Frank's arm, the other gripping the counter against which he was leaning. Ryan's breathing faltered when Frank rubbed up against him, caressing in just the right way that he knew would make Ryan melt. This was a first. Unscheduled sex. This really hadn't happened in God knows how long, but Ryan seemed up for it. His teeth grazed Frank's bottom lip and Frank felt like this was actually about to happen.

Fuck going upstairs; here would do just as good if not better. It meant that it wouldn't be the same regimented sex that would always happen on Frank's side of the bed. But Ryan pushed Frank away for a second, catching his breath back as he panted, flushed from the impromptu moment of passion that Frank had started. His hand rested on Frank's chest, holding him back despite his fingers gripping Frank's shirt. Ryan said two words that made Frank feel like he was internally collapsing.

"Not yet."

"Dude, really?" Frank asked with a sudden surge of annoyance, wondering why the fuck Ryan had just gone with it in the first place. He had just brushed Frank away, moving from where Frank had had him pinned, going about his business like he hadn't just been a complete dick-tease, "Are you being serious? Not yet?"

"I haven't done the dishes yet," Ryan commented, making Frank internally groan, "We haven't even had dinner yet-"

"So? Mix it up a little."

"But I have stuff to do before we do anything like that." Ryan pointed out, his back to Frank as he continued slicing a red pepper.

"Fine." Frank threw his hands up in the air, "Just, whatever. Do what you've gotta do."

"That's not me saying 'no'," Ryan looked at Frank over his shoulder with a glint in his eye, "Just... Later."

"Really?" Frank stuttered out, surprised. Unscheduled sex was usually a 'no' for Ryan, but he nodded at Frank. The small tug to his lips made Frank's pissed off, hard-up mood just wash away like water on Teflon. Later could not come sooner. He knew it wouldn't be long until Ryan said that he was ready to go to bed, but until then, Frank just waited as patiently as possible. There was a part of him still hoping that Ryan would be up for the one thing that he had ended up putting away, waiting until later to try again with it.

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ