Him and Glenne got here at 9, about an hour after the movers arrived. They've been working like crazy, taking apart and packing up all our expensive furniture. I've offered multiple times to help them, but have realized it's best if we just stay out of the way. Avery and I have made ourselves busy moving the smaller boxes full of clothes, décor, plates and bowls, all that good stuff.

"Hey H, can you help me with this one?" Avery calls while I'm talking with Jeff, nudging a bigger box.

Glenne gets up from her seat, reaching down.

"Hey, hey, hey. That's where I draw the line. Jeff can break a sweat if he wants, but I'd really prefer if you didn't," I say, and she huffs. Jeff laughs, but nods in agreement.

"I just want to help, I'm barely pregnant, and the box can't be that heavy," she snickers, before Jeff interferes.

"Come on babe, we talked about this. I know you want to help, but it would be more helpful to us if you just rested. Don't want you to accidentally overdo it," he says, and she huffs, before nodding.

"I agree with them, Glenne. I really appreciate it, but Harry and I can handle this one just to be safe," Avery says with a sweet smile, and Glenne nods.

"Okay. Well if you guys need anything else folded or packed, let me know. That's the least I can do."

"Okay, I'll let you know if I come across something," Avery reassures her, before I help her with the box. It's surprisingly light, but I grunt to make Glenne feel better as if it was super heavy.

After about another 20 trips to and from the moving van, which required going up and down the elevator and hauling shit out from the lobby, we seem to have packed every last thing in this damn apartment.

"You never really realize how much shit you have until you have to move it, do you," I joke and let out a huff, wiping the sweat off my forehead. I lean against the kitchen counter, looking around the empty complex.

"You're so right," Avery laughs, re-tying her hair back up into a smoother ponytail.

"Yeah, we had the same thought when we moved houses in LA. Remember that whole hassle?" Jeff asks, holding onto a tired looking Glenne.

"Oh geez, yeah. That was a lot of work," she chimes in, nodding.

"Hopefully this will be worth it like it was fo you guys. I know you've been staying at your place here lately, but your home in California is beautiful," I say, thinking about how nicely done their house is out there.

"Yeah, for sure. When do you think you'll move back to Cali?" Jeff asks, and I let out a laugh. He loves it there. As much as I do too, I needed a change of scenery. I love LA, and I love the weather there, but there's something about the lifestyle that can get to me sometimes. So many celebrities and entitled rich people make it kind of exhausting at times, especially when you're surrounded in that environment almost every day.

"I dunno, can't even think about that now with all this moving. Maybe someday. I don't know if anytime soon though, especially with Avery's work here," I look over at Avery, who has pursed lips. She shrugs, nodding.

"Yeah, I don't know. I spent my whole life there up until after college. I was just kind of sick of it. I wouldn't be opposed to ever moving back, but H is right, it's hard with my job," she explains, taking a sip of her third iced coffee of the day.

"That makes sense for sure. Until then, you guys have a wonderful new place here in the big apple. Speaking of which, is everything all set here now?" Jeff asks, looking around the empty space.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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