Shy Conversation

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While waiting for your food your phone buzzes.

New message request: itschriswilliamss

You look at your phone and practically throw it in the back.
"What the-" Ali says looking at you like you're crazy.
"I think- I think-"
"Spit it out woman!" She yells at you.
"I think Chris messaged me." You say holding your head.
"You're lying." She says laughing.
You flash her that look of "no I'm really not playing" and her jaw drops.
You both unbuckle quickly and start to jump around the car looking for your phone. Ali forgets to put the car in park and almost hits the car in front of you. You get into the back seat and find your phone on the floor. You quickly grab and it get back in the front.
"Let me see!" Ali squeals.
"Oh my- No way!" She says grabbing your phone from your hand.
"Give it back. I haven't opened it yet." You say reaching for your phone.
You get your phone back and stare at the notification on your screen.
You sit and contemplate opening the message.
"Girl if you don't open that message I'm opening it for you!" Ali's voice snaps you out of your thoughts.
"Okay! Okay." You say as you tap the notification.

Hey cutie, I just wanted to say thank you
again for the gift. And that you really are
cute as hell. 😉

"What do I even say back to that?!" You exclaim after reading the message.
"I don't know, talk to him." Ali laughs.

You're welcome. And thanks you're not too
bad looking yourself. ☺️

You send the message.
"Could you be any more lame?!" Ali laughs at your response.
"I'm shy! You know that. I'm an awkward person!" You defend yourself.
"Have I taught you nothing?!" She says shoving a nugget into her mouth.
"Nope." You laugh at her.

You finish eating your food and you guys head back to the house.
"Has he sent snot her message yet?" Ali asks
As she finishes the question your phone dings.
"Yup." You say laughing and picking up your phone.

Did you watch the red room tonight?

No, I didn't think there was one, you guys
haven't done one in a while. I'm sorry.

Oh, it's alright. We're slowly bringing them
back. You should definitely stay next time.
You do watch the lives often right?

Every single night. Wouldn't miss them.

Well it's good to know I always have a
beautiful girl watching me. 😉

I'm sorry, I am so awkward!

That's why I'm getting short responses then.
Here I was thinking you didn't like me or

No, it's not that. I find you really attractive
I'm just really shy. And honestly don't really
know what to take from this. Lol

Okay, I'll try not to come off too strong.
Can we just get to know each other?
Maybe you'll open up.

Yeah. I'd like that. But I do have a zoom call
with you tomorrow, so we can do it then
if you'd like? Lmao

Hmm, I'll have to make sure I look extra
good then. What time?

Oh please don't. Lol be yourself.
And noon your time.

Well I look forward to seeing that
beautiful face on my screen tomorrow.

Boy, you're gonna make me blush. And
that's already going to be hard to keep
under control!

Just being honest here.
Can't wait to talk tomorrow!

Me either. But I really should try and
get some sleep.. Talk tomorrow! 😊

Sleep tight cutie. 😍

You lock your phone and notice Ali is asleep. So you plug your phone in and let your mind run rampant about how your call is going to go with Chris tomorrow.

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