The Flashback

668 17 14

HI! :D this is my first story and I'm not good with this so no flame
And I was just bored so.... On with the story

Why must everything I love hurt me... What did I ever do to them
Stupid why did I even trust them

"Hello my pritties~" skipped in the gay teacher Narumi-sensei "Please your seat take your-". Before finishing the sentence a brown hair girl barged into the room "Gomen -pant- 'nasai -pant-Mina I woke up late.. again"
"Mikan you were almost late, next time if your late there won't be a warning" said Narumi
"Hai Narumi-sensei!"
"Now that that's out of the w-"
'Narumi report to the main office
I repeat Narumi report to the main office' -sigh- "Alright class free period until I get back if I come" and with that he was gone.
"Hello Mina!!" Shouted out mikan
The little brown hair girl flew across the room and instantly got back up screaming "why did you do that Hotaru you meanie!"
Crying a waterfall. " Oi polka can you shut up your going yo make my ears bleed " ( bet you 20 bucks you know who that is)
" Natsume you pervert!!"
'Mikan Sakura report to the main office I repeat mikan repot to the main office' "great Baka what did you do now" asked sumire you can tell Easley that she's annoyed
"I don't know myself" mikan replied
Mina- everyone
Goman'nasai- I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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