The Buffet Feeding

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As we were driving to the buffet, my grumbling belly was getting louder, and strangely it felt a little bigger, I look down and for the first time I could just see my belly over my boobs, my shirt buttons around my belly felt tighter, leaving a slightly larger gap between the buttons, causing more of my belly to be exposed. We arrive at the buffet and as we are walking in Kayla notices my slightly larger belly and says "Wow... the pills are already working" I blushed. Kayla walks up to the front desk and a nice lady shows us to our private booth, which had its own door and close-able curtains. I sit down in comfy booth seating and Kayla sits opposite to me, for comparisons sake, let me feel your body before we begin so I can test your progress throughout the night, with hesitation I agree, myself and Ava were the only people to touch and feel my features up close. Kayla's hands reach out and start feeling and squeezing my various thick body features, it felt amazing feeling the touch of someone else's hands on my body, I haven't felt this feeling since when Ava touched me, this feeling of pure delight caused me to moan in pleasure. "RUMBLE! GURGLE!" my hungry belly stopped the pure pleasure with its demands, "Well Tanisha, sounds like I need to get some food for you" "Oh yes please Kayla" I replied, trying to calm down from the moment. Kayla leaves the room for a few minutes, she than soon returns with carts of steaming hot food and places it on the table in front of me, I dig into the plates of spaghetti with in seconds, I finish two large bowls of spaghetti in minutes, where as I can see Kayla just barely start on her small bowl. I say to Kayla "Usually I can't eat this much food in one sitting but I powered through it in minutes what did those pills do to me?" Kayla tells me "It increases your metabolism, tolerance for food, hunger and expands to stomach to make way for more food, which is probably why your belly expanded a little bit in the car" "Thanks for all of this Kayla and for helping me" Kayla kindly replied "No problem Tanisha, I'm always willing to help out a friend" I continue to eat for about 45 minutes when I start to slow down, my belly is somehow still contained in my button shirt, of which is extremely tight and is at risk of bursting at any moment, the buttons are so visibly strained the gaps between them I can fit my hand in and my bellies fat protrudes and sticks out. My jeans are the same extremely tight and the button won't last long, my belt is causing my belly and hips to squish inwards and making a large visible muffin top over hanging every part of belt, I have never felt so large and full before but I still felt like eating. Kayla could see that I was struggling, she sat next to me, and started feeding me the chicken nuggets on the plate in front of me one by one, "Tanisha I don't think I've ever told you this but I always wanted to be a feeder, and I wanted to feed someone for a long time" I was surprised "I guess you could always be mine Kayla", her face lit up with happiness, as she fed me the nuggets. My belt was causing immense pressure on my stomach like it was suffocating me, I asked Kayla to unbuckle my tight belt, it took her a few seconds to find the belt under my massive muffin top and overhanging bloated belly. Eventually Kayla was able to unbuckle it, the belt flung off my belly at high speed, my belly was jiggling from the relief in the immense pressure of the belt, though after releasing my belt it made my shirt and jeans feel much tighter, but it felt like I could fit more food. Kayla slowly continued to feed me the chicken nuggets, I ate about 10 of them and I hear a loud tearing sound of fabric "RRIIPP!" and "POP!" The button launches from my jeans across the room, causing my zipper to break, exposing the bottom of my belly which is slowly flowing out. Once that button popped I could feel and see more pressure being applied to the strained shirt buttons, I felt excited being able to pop a button, I wanted to finish the job and obliterate my shirts buttons. "Good job Tanisha, lets finish the job" Kayla exclaimed, "Kayla please keep going" and in seconds I had more food stuffed in my mouth, the chips were warm and salty as I felt them go down into my full belly. After eating a few hand fulls of chips I hear more tearing fabric "RRIIPP" and a loud "POP!" A button flies of my shirt, my belly jiggling from the force, that one button then caused a one by one button failure "POP, POP, POP, POP!" like a failing dam, my belly jiggles as it flows out of my failing shirt, it lands in lap almost touching the table in front of me, I was impressed that I was able to do that and how long the buttons around my belly lasted, but the feeling of the popping buttons felt like nothing I had experienced before and I really enjoyed it. I looked like I was 9 months pregnant with twins or triplets, I couldn't tell, and my belly was so soft, squishy and round as I felt it, I look at Kayla and her facial expression was one I had not seen before one of amazement of my belly's ability to destroy most of the shirt. I managed to finish the table of food in an hour, I felt so stuffed and full as I lay back in my seat in slight pain with the strained buttons around my boobs remaining and my jeans on the break of splitting. Kayla saw that I was in pain, and she started to rub my big belly, and within minutes it felt better, I could tell she was enjoying it and same with me I was moaning with the touch of her hands. Unexpected to me Kayla said "Time for desert" I was thinking there was no way I could fit anymore in but Kayla already left the room.

Tanisha's Unforgettable Weekend - WG Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें