28. Hermione's Boggart

Start from the beginning

I heard a loud crash somewhere in the distance, Fred and George's broomsticks were hurtling along the corridor towards their owners and stopped sharply in front of the twins.

"We won't be seeing you," Fred told Professor Umbridge, swinging his leg over his broomstick.

"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch," said George, mounting his own.

"Issac, you coming?" asked Fred.

Issac seemed like he was faced with a predicament, he was debating whether to go or not. It seemed like an eternity but he finally spoke. "No, someone has to carry on giving her hell."

Fred nodded and then around at the assembled students, at the silent, watchful crowd. "If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated her, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley - Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes. Our new premises!"

"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.

"STOP THEM!" shrieked Umbridge, but it was too late. Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air. But before they left, they looked at their friend, their third musketeer, they gave Issac a cheeky smile.

"Give her hell from us, Issac." George smiled.

"I'll see you guys soon, as soon as I'm out of here." Issac smiled, and before the twins left, he gave them a final salute.

Professor Umbridge was furious. "We've still got one of them. Come here."

She made her way to drag Issac but then she stopped. She had a funny expression on her face, but it wasn't just her. She and Filch both had this confused look on their face. Umbridge stopped making her way towards Issac and both Umbridge and Filch disappeared.

The students were shocked. What had happened to the Headmistress?

"What are you guys all staring for? Go to your Common Rooms or something." I heard a voice say. It was F/N and everyone obeyed him either out of fear or respect.

F/N's eyes glinted mischievously, I had a feeling he had something to do with Umbridge and Filch's sudden change of heart.

F/N went over to Issac and hugged him...hugged him like a brother. The two parted and he came back to me, and we started walking away. Almost like nothing had happened.

But something did happen. "What did you do F/N?" I asked.

He smiled cheekily. "Just a quick memory spell, I couldn't let that hag torture Issac could I?"

"But your wand wasn't out." I stated.

"Did you forget that I could do non-verbal magic?" he replied, grinning.

"Why'd you help Issac anyways?" I asked.

"Well, he's been there for me during my time at Hogwarts. He's like a brother to me."

Issac's brother...Y/N. There was something my brain was trying to tell me but I couldn't seem to pick up on it. Instead, I ignored F/N's statement and continued walking. During our walk, we heard a rattling noise in a broom closet in one of the corridors.

"I wonder what that is." I said curiously before gripping the handles, I was preparing for the worst. Maybe some fourth years trying to get privacy with each other, something gross and scarring like that. What I didn't expect was a Boggart.

During my third year I had come against a Boggart. It was McGonagall telling me I had failed a test. Knowing that I had conquered it, I wasn't afraid to face it again. What I didn't know was that my Boggart had changed. Instead of McGonagall appearing, it was Y/N.

He was standing there, in the clothes he wore the night of the final task. His H/C hair messy and his E/C eyes looking at me sadly.

"Did you really forget about me like that 'Mione? Was that how much I meant to you? You forgot me for some Slytherin prick. You just got over me for a Malfoy."

My throat had dried up. "I...I..." I couldn't seem to say anything.

"You said you loved me. At my funeral you said you loved me. Did that mean nothing to you? If I was still alive would you of still loved me?"

Tears were pouring down my face now. "I do love you Y/N...I don't love F/N...I love you."

I looked over at F/N and he had this odd expression on his face, it was a mixture of sadness...and anger?

"Why are you with him then 'Mione? It hasn't even been a year since I died and already you're running around with him."

I couldn't say anything, it seemed like F/N couldn't take it anymore since he lightly shoved me out of the way and faced the Boggart himself. I didn't see it because my eyes were closed and I was crying, tears streaming down my face over Y/N.

"Riddikulus." F/N said shakily before coming over to comfort me.

"Are you ok 'Mione?" he asked.

I had to be honest. "No F/N, I'm not. And I hope you can understand but I just need some space right now."

And with that, I ran off, off to my Common Room.


It seemed like Hermione didn't see my Boggart, it also seemed like she wasn't paying attention. Otherwise she would've noticed that my Boggart exposed my real identity, and then she would've found out that I was Y/N. It pained me to see her cry like that, after he Boggart, I doubted that she would want to be with me, as F/N. I knew she wasn't completely over me before I 'died' and it hurt to see her be sad. But how would she react when she found out? That I had been by her side this entire time. Would she be angry? Sad?Disappointed? Would she even want to be with me after all that?

I knew she was close to figuring out, I think there was something stopping her from finding out the truth. Almost like she didn't want me to be back, she probably knew, I was being quite obvious earlier. There just seemed to be something in her mind blocking her from coming to the conclusion that I was Y/N. Was she not ready to have me back in her life?

Groaning frustratedly, I looked at the broom closet in which the Boggart was residing and walked off. Why did my life become so complicated? Why couldn't I just be normal teenager.

Was that really so hard to ask for?

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