27. A Meeting With A Malfoy

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"You haven't written to us lately. I asked Professor Umbridge if I could come up and check up on you." Lucius said, looking at me with an almost disapproving expression.

"I have been busy father." I said, I had no intention of speaking to this man but for the purpose of Dumbledore's task for me, I had to keep up my Malfoy act.

"How has he been?" Lucius asked Professor Umbridge. The woman dressed in pink smiled and replied in her sickly sweet voice.

"He's been excellent Lucius, he's joined the Inquisitorial Squad along with his brother and in my classes, there was a misunderstanding in our first class but since then he has behaved well."

I was thankful that neither Umbridge nor Lucius knew about my involvement with Dumbledore's Army.

"I heard from Draco that you've been hanging out with...the wrong kind." Lucius said, obviously referring to Hermione and the others.

"If you mean Hermione father, she is not the wrong kind. She is the brightest witch of her age." I replied, defending my girlfriend.

"Has Dumbledore tainted you my son?" Lucius asked.

I wanted to yell at him, proclaim that I wasn't his son, announce to him that I knew of my true identity, but my loyalty to Dumbledore prevented that. This was going to be my hardest task, pretending that this pathetic excuse for a man was my father. The fact that I had to look him in his cowardly eyes and publicly tell everyone that this was the man who raised me. Tell them that I was of his blood, that I was one of his own. I gritted my teeth before replying.

"No." I replied firmly. "I've been behaving father, staying out of trouble, Dumbledore has not tainted me."

"What did he tell you over Christmas?" Lucius demanded.

"Father, he just asked me about how I was doing at Hogwarts, nothing else." I said. After Snape's lesson I discovered that I was a skilled Legilimens, potentially a skill handed down from Voldemort. Legilimency was how I accessed Snape's memory. I focused on Lucius and managed to tap into his thoughts. He was having doubts and suspicious, he thought that I knew that I was really Y/N L/N. I had to somehow convince him otherwise.

"Is that everything?" Lucius continued to ask.

I nodded. "If you don't mind me father, I'm going to leave and find Draco. I apologise for my lack of letters but you'll see me at the end of the year."

I hated this. So much. I didn't want to pretend that this entitled blonde prick was my father, that this coward was related to me. I wanted my real family back, I wanted to be myself again. In this moment, I had never hated Dumbledore as much as I did right now. The man had prevented me from living my previous life for his own gain, he was using me. It just wasn't fair.

After bidding farewell to both of the adults in Umbridge's office, I left and I sat myself in my Common Room. Wait, it wasn't even my Common Room, my Common Room was the Gryffindor one, I'm a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin. I'm a L/N, not a Malfoy, I'm Y/N, not F/N.

Why couldn't I tell anyone? Hermione wouldn't tell anyone, Harry wouldn't tell anyone. Ron...I was unsure about him. He was a nice guy but he had a tendency to act jealous and say the wrong stuff at the wrong time.

I wanted to march up to Dumbledore's office and demand that he let me tell the others but would that make me selfish? Dumbledore told me that I would be helping the Wizarding World in a supposed war? I suppose now that Voldemort was back it was inevitable, he would want to rule the world. What sickened me was that he wanted me to rule it with him. I didn't want that, all I wanted right now was my old life back. I wanted Hermione back, I wanted my family back. Ever since I found out who I was, the surname Malfoy was not an honour as Draco had put it, but more of a burden, more of an insult, more of a disgrace. The Malfoys were treated as Pure-blood royalty with all the other Pure-bloods with old fashioned beliefs but in my eyes, they were a conceited family who believed they were better than all others.

If I was being honest right now, my life sucked. The only thing good in my life was Hermione and I couldn't even tell her. I knew she was insanely smart so I was sure she would find out soon, I would just have to drop hints and try and subtly tell her. I don't care if Dumbledore didn't want me to, I was telling Hermione at least. I don't mind if the others didn't know but Hermione deserved to know...the pain I put her through, I could see it in her eyes everything she was with me she wasn't completely over Y/N.

Sighing and reclining in an armchair in the Slytherin Common Room I began to formulate a plan, because if I couldn't tell Hermione Granger who I was, I'm going to make sure she finds out who I truly am.

Be prepared Hermione, I'm coming back, whether Dumbledore likes it or not.

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