22. The Inquisitorial Squad

Start from the beginning

That evening, I met with the group and told them the news. "Professor Umbridge suspects that there is a secret organisation going, she's instructed the Inquisitorial Squad to investigate."

"How do you know?" questioned a Ravenclaw.

"I'm part of the squad...I didn't really have a choice. But I'm here to warn you guys now."

"We should probably lay low for a bit..." Harry suggested but he was met with outrage, it seemed like everyone enjoyed these meetings too much and weren't ready to take a break. In the end, the pressure of our peers caused us to carry on and everyone to ignore my warning. I guess it would be up to me to steer Umbridge away.

This meeting, things were still awkward between me and Hermione so I took a step back and let Harry teach. I found myself in a corner, watching everyone.

"You alright there Y-F/N." I heard a voice say. I turned and saw Issac and a smile appeared on my face,

"Try to use F/N won't you?" I chuckled.

Issac laughed and he noticed me occasionally looking at Hermione. "Girl problems?"

"Yep, she's not over 'Y/N' yet and won't give me a chance. Since I'm supposedly a Malfoy and all that."

Issac laughed. "If only she knew..."

"When do you reckon I can tell them?"

"When Dumbledore lets you."

I groaned, Dumbledore had this whole plan for me, so I didn't see myself being able to tell her anytime soon. Meaning I was going to have to make her fall for a Malfoy, something that seemed impossible.

Issac broke the silence. "You need a haircut. I can barely see your eyes."

I scoffed. "That's the point, cause Hermione recognised my eyes when she saw them. So I thought it would be safer, growing my hair out."

"You better cut it soon. I can't even see your face."

"I know my face is beautiful and all that Issac but come on Issac, I'm just trying to protect my identity."

Issac nodded. "I understand."

There was a silence and I looked up at my older brother, he had a plain expression on his face and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Knut for your thoughts?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Just thinking about everything...it's been so crazy since you came back."

"I never really left." I said with a chuckle.

"I know...it was just painful, having to bury you and everything."

"I had a funeral?" I asked, shocked.

Issac nodded. "Yeah, Hermione even made a speech."

"What did she say?" I asked curiously.

"Just all the stuff about how she loved you-"

"S-she loved me?" I said, my voice breaking slightly. I had never said those words to her, sure I felt it but I didn't want to say it too soon.

My brother nodded. "Said all that stuff about how she wanted to spend her whole future with you."

I felt my eyes begin to tear up, I loved that girl so much and it pained me that I had to restart and win her over when she wasn't even over me. It was so confusing, it was so painful, it hurt that I couldn't be with her. Every time I got near her flashes of our past came back to me. We were perfect, we were happy and then the stupid Triwizard Tournament ruined everything.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to your thoughts," Issac said, looking over to Fred and George who had just called for him, "I need to go talk to the twins...it was nice catching up."

I nodded. "We need to talk again..."

Once Issac left, I sat myself down in the corner of the room, where there were comfortable armchairs. I sunk back and closed my eyes, blocking out all the voices around me. I could feel memories start to come back, memories with Issac...memories with Hermione and the other two.

"F/N!" I heard someone say, my eyes snapped open and I saw Harry.

"Oh, what's up Harry. Is it over?"

Harry nodded and looked at me. "You alright? You didn't really do much today."

"I just figured it would be for the best...since me and Hermione aren't on the best of terms right now." I replied.

"What happened?" the boy asked.

"I...well I asked her out and I got rejected. She said she was doing something with you guys."

"Oh..." Harry started, "she didn't plan anything with us...I'm sorry F/N. I guess she's just not over Y/N yet."

I didn't know whether to be happy or not, on one hand she wasn't over me but on the other I couldn't tell her I was Y/N so that meant I had to try win her over.

I looked at Harry and sighed. "Damn, that Y/N must've been one heck of a guy..."

"Yeah, he was."

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