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As Hajime called me that Reiko is Crying, I quickly get on my car then drove it to Reiko's House

I always care for him duh I still love him

As I arrived, I knocked the door and open it by Hajime

"You just came Momo" Hajime said

"Where's Reiko?" I ask

"Upstairs, at his Room, We can't comfort him, maybe you can Comfort him" He said then I went upstairs

I knocked his Door

"Reiko? Its me Momo Can I come in?" I ask while knocking the door

Then He immeadiately open the door, I saw Reiko's eyes full of sadness, pain

I hugged him then He hugged me back, Shit I Miss this


I was crying on my bed, hugging my knees, then someone knocked the door

"Reiko? Its me Momo Can I come in?" She said while knocking the door

What the heck is she doing here?

I stood up then Open the door

She just staring my eyes then she hugged me then I hugged her back

I cry on her shoulder while she tapping my back

"Come on Reiko, Stop crying, Its Hurting me" She said

"I-I Cant, My Brother i-is on C-Coma! I'm Just a u-useless brother!" I said

"Thats not true Reiko" She said

"Look at Me" She said then I look at her

she hold my cheeks

"Look Reiko, I'm always here, If you need me I'm here, if you don't, I'm still here okay?" She said then I nodded

She lean her face to my face then she kissed me and I kiss her back

We kiss passionately then I broke the kiss cause we need some air but she kiss me again

"I Love You" She said then I just stared at her

"Uhm, I need to go" She said, She was about to leave but I grab her wrist

"No, Stay with me, just one night" I said then she smiled at me

We lay on the bed at she fall asleep

"I know people are temporary, But please just this once, be permanent" I said then kissed her forehead

As soon I fell asleep

𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝗠𝗲Where stories live. Discover now