"Here, safety first - you look gorgeous Kenz," Fangs compliments as he hands me the helmet. I smile sweetly at him and put the helmet on.


"Everyone clear on the plan?" I ask before we step into the tattoo parlor.

I mean its not much of a plan. Toni and the guys would hang around in the parlor talking to the only tattoo artist in this horrific town while I go talk business with the one and only Penny Peabody. Let's roll with it.

"Yo, Skins! You free to talk design ideas?" Fangs hollers to get the attention of the tattoo-covered worker.

"Always free for that, who's will it be this time?" Skins questions.

"Normally Toni and I but I've got business to take care off so could you sort out Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb?" I asked while gesturing to the two raven haired boys which earned a chuckle and a nod from Skins and grumbles from the said boys.

The four jump into a conversation while I strut my way to the back. Why does this woman have bead curtains rather than a door?

"Penny Peabody. The Serpent attorney. The Snake Charmer," I state as I step into her office-like room which smells like a mix between weed and jingle jangle.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Smurfette 2.0?" is the remark that I receive from the blonde woman behind the desk.

"Ah straight to business, my type of woman. Theoretically, I received a letter from a she-devil asking to contact you about your mail, what would that mean?" I question giving the older woman a pointed look meaning a want a straight answer, not a riddle.

"Mommy dearest contacted you? How sweet. Why would I need to check my mail again for her?" she fires back which confuses me. What does she mean again?

"What do you mean again? Has she contacted you before?"

"Poor Snake Princess kept in the dark again? I would say that's a shame but we both know I wouldn't mean it. What does your mother want?" Did this woman not understand what I'm saying?

"Check your mail is all she said. Now answer my question. I don't owe you any debts, this is as you would put it a simple favor," I fire back.

"Your birth giver is smart contacting me for help since you wouldn't help her. Anything else you need Smurfette?" she says with a sickly sweet smile which I didn't know she could muster.

"Where is she and why does she need your help?"

"Ah, ah, ah, looks who's playing the cop card. That's none of your business, as far as I'm aware you're fine without her. Plus my lips are sealed. Now scatter unless you're here to see Skins but by looking at your attire, I think you're off to the Northside, Smurfette." God, this woman is insufferable...

I turn around and walk back out of the room towards the main part of the rundown building. There are multiple questions running through my head right now. Why has mother dearest been contacting Peabody? What are they both hiding? I notice my friends are sat on one of the couches still talking to Skins.

"Hey Skins, I'm done though have you got any free slots for this weekend?" What? Who doesn't like impulsive tattoos?

"Tomorrow noon if you want it, Princess," comes the reply.

"Yes please, now I've got to go and socialize with the Northsiders," I say before walking out the building. I'm quickly followed by three pairs of feet belonging to my friends.

"Quick conversation and impulsive tattoo. You either got all the information you wanted or Peabody pissed you off," Toni guesses.

"The latter. Mother dearest has been in contact with the Penny for a while apparently but I can tell that both women are hiding something," I conclude the conversation, "But now's not the time for that. Fangs would you mind taking me to the Thornhill mansion?"

Only Yours (Fangs Fogarty)Where stories live. Discover now