What Happened At Theater Camp (Nini x E.J)

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This is just a very random rant and I don't  know how theater camp works.......so this is just a guess 😅

Kourtney hugged her best friend who she wouldn't see for a while. Nini was off to theater camp.

"I'm gonna miss you Kourt," Nini said.

"Break a leg," Kourt replied. "And I know'll you'll get a part that is not a tree."

"Let's hope so," Nini said getting in the car.

Nini rolled down the window and waved good bye one last time as her mother drove them off to camp. It was time to reinvent and rediscover herself. She didn't need Ricky. She was hurt at first, but was able to get over it. But she had a best friend, she was intelligent, she could sing and act. Her goal was to become more outgoing and less shy. She wouldn't be just some side character, she was the starring role. Born to shine and stand out. That is, until she got out of the car.

Nini was overcome by a sense of anxiety. She knew nobody, and there were so many more people who was here that had more of an outgoing personality. While she was exploring the camp a little bit by herself, she saw this one boy with a East High varsity jacket. Surely he was someone she could get to know. 

Nini mustered up all her courage, and she went up to the boy with the jacket and black hair and said, "Hi, do you go to East High? I just noticed your jacket"

The boy turned around and said, "Yeah, and I assume you do too?"

Nini nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Nini. I normally play the trees or just some unimportant character."

"I'm E.J. and I'm sure you played lovely trees," E.J said.

Nini blushed for some reason. She didn't want to focus on boys at all during what's left of her summer vacation.

"What about you? I've never seen you in the drama club before," Nini asked wondering why E.J. was here.

"I wanted to try something other than sports, so I decided to see if I could make new friends and a new hobby in theater," E.J. said. "So far, you are the first person to talk to me."

"Well, I'm glad I did have enough courage to talk to you then," Nini said. "You seem pretty nice."

E.J. smiled. He found a friend. He didn't know Nini that well, but he wanted to get to know her. She was really pretty and she didn't deserve to play some background character. E.J. could see that she was born to stand out.

For the rest of they day, the got to know each other and strengthened their bond as friends. When it was time for acting exercises, they always worked together. Nini felt like she could trust E.J., and he did, and the same goes for E.J. trusting Nini. 

A week later, after the activities that were scheduled for today ended, E.J. pulled Nini aside to tell her something. "I know we've only been friends for only a week, but I like you. And I like you like you. And if by telling you this, I possibly made things weird, I understand if you don't like me in that way, but-"

"E.J. it's okay," Nini said, stopping his about to be an hour long rant. "Because I trust you, and though I was hurt not to long ago, I feel like I am ready to move on. And after giving it a lot of though over the past week, I started to accept my feelings for you."

"So does that mean we are a couple now?" E.J. asked.

"I think so?" Nini responded. 

They shared a smile, and E.J. asked, "So about the music man, should we audition for the leads together? After all, we would have great chemistry."

"How do you know I'll get the part?" Nini asked. "For all I know, I'll probably just play some random character that is unimportant to the entire story line."

When it came time for the auditions, Nini's nervousness went through the roof. She really wanted her and E.J. to get the lead roles in the musical. When it came time for Nini to audition, she thought it went really well, and for once, she had confidence that she would become Marian.

But the person to comfort her when she was put as understudy, was E.J.

"You deserve to be the lead," E.J. said.

"Maybe I do, but at least this time I'm not a tree or a background character," Nini said. 

"You'll get the lead someday," E.J. said.

"Someday," Nini said, and gave E.J. a kiss.

E.J. wanted to do anything to bring Nini's spirits up. He wanted to see her happy and thriving, and that means being the lead. 

When it got closer to the actual production, Nini and E.J.'s relationship evolved and they got closer. And E.J. found ways to cheer Nini up. 

But on the day before the production, the leading lady came down with food poisoning, and Nini got to go on. 

"I'm so happy for you," E.J. said congratulating Nini. "I told you, you deserve to get the lead and today is the day."

"I'm scared," Nini confessed. "I know all the lines and what I'm supposed to do on stage, but what if I mess up?"

"You'll do great and don't worry about the audience, because you only need to focus on what's happening on stage, and just act natural," E.J. assured. "Break a leg."

"Thank you, I think I will do good," Nini said, giving E.J. a kiss. Then it was time for the show to start.

Nini did great. She shined like the star she is meant to be. And you could see that Nini was really happy and E.J. was happy for her. 

Once it was time to go home because summer was over, Nini was sad to go, but overall happy that her first year at camp was a great one. 

"I'll call you later," E.J. said, giving Nini a kiss goodbye.

"Bye," Nini said. 

Nini got into the car and on the ride home, Nini did feel a lot better by the time camp ended. There was a newfound confidence, and she was no longer the tree she once was. She was now a leading lady that could achieve anything that she put her mind to. And though she didn't want to do anything with boys, she trusted E.J. He wasn't hiding anything and they made a great couple.

E.J. deeply cared for Nini, and only wanted success for her. He would do anything to make her happy. But he would never reveal what he did to give Nini her success. But he did it for her.

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