Bobble Hat x reader pt 1

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Requested by @Theyeeter90000000

The reader of the story (you) is going to have gender options in this that's will Ben in the story, like for example male/female ok let's begin!

You were really bored you were just laying down on your couch looking up at the ceiling with nothing on your mind.

Your POV

Man today is boring I mean everyday is the same thing, the news talking about some inklings and octolings getting arrested getting sent away to military camps being tortured, your mom calling to see if your ok, same oh sam oh.

Then I got an idea I decided to go to your friends house he/she wasn't that far so I got in my car and drove of.

Few minutes later

I got to my friends house I parked the car and went up to his/her door, I knocked "I'll be right there!" He/she Shouted then he/she answered the door "oh hey y/n!" He/she Greeted "hey f/n, I just came by to hang out cause today is so boring" I Said.

"Oh thank you for coming! I'm so bored to" He/she Said then I went inside and we both sat down and watched anime.

Few hours later

It was nighttime now we were still on the couch watching anime *thud!* "What was that!?" F/n Questioned "it came from outside" I Said "ok..... well what are you waiting for? Go out there!" F/n Said "What!? You expect me to go out there!" I Yelled.

"Yes cause I'm not getting my butt killed" F/n Said "your just scared" I Said "What!? I'm not scared!" F/n Yelled "then I dare you to go out there and prove to me your not scared" I Said.

"Fine! But you have to come with me to see" F/n Said "fine" I Agreed then we went outside to see what made the thud noise, when we where outside f/n was scared I rolled my eyes I wasn't scared.

Then we both heard a rustle in the bushes we walked up to it "you look" F/n Said "no dude you look" I Said "What if it's one of those inklings and octolings! I do not want to die today I have so much to live for!" F/n Yelled.

"Fine you big baby I'll look" I Said then I looked in the bushes what I saw was a body "omg! there's a body" I Whispered "What!?" F/n Yelled quietly I looked again, this was a inkling body "holy Guacamole! It's one of those inkling body's!" I Yelled quietly.

"Oh no! Aaaaaahhh!" F/n Yelled screaming "what are we going to do!? What are we going to do!?" I Panicked "I don't know!" F/n Yelled "I say we bring it inside" I Said.

"No way! If you bring it inside your asking for a death wish!" F/n Yelled "But it looks hurt" I Said "I'm gonna bring it in anyway" I Said picking it up bridal style "ok but don't come crying to me when you get arrested!" F/n Said.

Then I went inside and put the inkling on the couch "I think it's unconscious" I Said "yah think" F/n Said sarcastically I rolled my eyes I looked at it, it was smiling 'why is it smiling?' I thought "I think it's a girl" I Said "how do you know?" F/n Asked "it has long tentacles, the females have long tentacles" I Replied.

Then it moved "omg inkling zombie!" F/n Yelled "seriously dude?" I Said then it sat up it looked at me and f/n "um hi there little guy" I Said calm it tilted it's head "I'm y/n I'm a human boy/girl" I Said pointing at myself "and this is my friend f/n he/she is also a human" I Said pointing at f/n.

"We're not going to hurt you" I Said "thank you" The Inkling said "omg it talks!" F/n Yelled I rolled my eyes "what's your name?" I Asked her "don't ask it that! Your going to get attached" Said F/n "I'm not going to get attached" I Replied.

"My name is Bobble Hat" The Inkling said "what kind of a name is bobble hat?" F/n Asked "don't be rude dude!" I Yelled hitting f/n with my elbow "so why did you made that thud noise?" I Asked "well it started like this.." Bobble Hat Began.

No one's pov

"I don't think we should be doing this" Said Specs "oh come on Specs loosen up! Have some fun!" Said Goggles in a cherish tone "yeah! plus it's going to be fun!" Bobble Hat Yelled excitedly "I think Specs is right guys we shouldn't do this, I mean remember what happened to Gloves when he was reckless, he was very lucky not to get caught but we still don't know were he is after he was chased by those police men" Headphones Said.

"What!? I'm pretty sure Gloves is fine...wherever he is" Said Goggles "ok now who wants to go first?" Asked Googles "me! Me! Me! I wanna go! I wanna go!" Said Bobble Hat "ok Bobble Hat now all you have to do is sit on the bottom of the garbage lid then I use this oil I found to slide you across the street and probably land safely on those bushes of that house" Googles explained.

"Ok this is not safe at all, plus how are you going to slide with the handle of the lid still on?" Specs Asked "easy" Said Goggles using all his strength to flatten the lid handle "there!" Googles Said after he finished bending it.

"Ok Bobble get on" Said Goggles Bobble Hat got on the garbage lid cris cross applesauce "ok I'm ready!" Said Bobble Hat excited then Goggles put then oil on the ground "why do I get the feeling this is going to be a disaster?" Said Headphones "cause it is going to be" Specs Replied.

"Ok Bobble Hat you ready?" Goggles Asked holding the lid ready to push "ready as I'll ever be!" Bobble Hat Replied "ok then    here     we        go!" Goggles Yelled pushing the lid then letting go sending Bobble Hat down the street.

"Wooooooooo!" Bobble Hat Yelled in excitement as she slid down the street "see guys totally fine!" Goggles Said to Specs, and Headphones then when Bobble Hat reached the other side of the street she hit the window of the house making a loud thud "oh octopus balls..."

To be continued 

Sry if I'm making this a 2 part story hoped you enjoyed the first part!

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