Kalen X Cayden Chapter 1

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It was a warm winter's night. Kalen and Caden were cuddling in the camfire after having stolen ten terabytes of waluigi hentai from Beeman and watching it. they committed premarital hand holding while watching the waluigi hentai and were eating doritos when kalen decided to make a confession. "cayden i am the father but not of your child. I'm sorry i left all those years ago to get cigarettes but i really wanted to reunite with you son''. cayden gasped in disbelief closing the laptop that was playing waluigi hentai in disbelief and terror wondering how he could have just committed premarital hand holding with his own father as he cried and hugged kalen. "father i'm sorry but you said you went to get milk". "what?" asked the confused kalen imposter before he got stabbed by cayden for being the milk gang spy he was. "milk is in the dna son" coughed the fake kalen as he bled out and dieded. "what the the tomfuckles knuckles happened here" yells the real kalen as he breaks down the door and looks at his imposters body. "my god kalern my evil twin brother who enjoys milk what was he doing here". cayden cries as he looks up at kalen with tears of milk in his eyes "im sorry kalen he was my father i am one of milk now and must be executed as such". Kalen nods in agreement knowing now what he must do as tears well up in his eyes as he grabs the shotgun "I'm so sorry". cayden gives a final nod of understanding as kalen pulls the trigger and thousands of tiny water goblins shoot out of the barrel at cayden stabbing him to death as he cries out in pain bleeding milk. Cayden looks up at Kalen one final time with milk tears in his eyes "n-no homo" before he promptly dies. "I'm so sorry bro" Kalen cries and throws caydens body at a police officer before running away so that cayden may atleast get a proper burial.

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