Chapter Eleven

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Diana is packing for the trip to Duke, moves around her bedroom as Alaric watches, sat on her bed. He's still worried about her, probably will always worry about her. She takes a breath when she zips up her bag. She turns to him and he raises an eyebrow when she walks towards him.

"I am sorry," She tells Alaric who nods and pulls her closer, till she is stood between his legs. "I've been in a weird headspace since last night" he kisses the back of her hand.

"If you don't feel up to it, you don't have to come to Duke"

"I want to come" She assures him. "This is important to Elena....least I can do is look after the sister I have left" He gives her a look, she shrugs a little. "I tried with Eva, Ric, I really tried when we were at school, when I found out she was my sister, I wanted that relationship with her. But there was no saving her. At least here, now, I can still protect Elena" He smiles sadly at her and stands from the bed to hug her. He pulls back from her.

"I got it" He takes her bag from her and presses his other hand to her cheek. "I love you." He tells her, she smiles softly at him.

"I love you too." She assures him and leans closer to kiss him.


Downstairs; Diana gives Jenna a smile, but she just turns and heads into the kitchen. Diana sighs and closes her eyes. Alaric touches the small of her back.

"Give her time, she'll come round" He whispers to her, she nods and then shrugs because she doesn't know that, she doesn't know what's going on with Jenna because she has never seen Jenna this upset before.


Diana throws her bag into the back of her jeep as Damon leans into the jeep to honk on the horn to hurry Elena up.

"Easy on the horn!" Diana snaps at him. Damon sticks his tongue out at her. Alaric shoves him back from the horn and shoots him a look. Diana digs out her keys and moves to get into her jeep. Alaric stops her with a hand on her wrist.

"You haven't slept," Alaric tells Diana as he takes her keys from her. "I'll get some rest" he kisses her head and climbs into the driver's seat. Diana watches him softly, touched by that. She climbs into the back and closes the door.

"Sorry you can't come too, Stef." Damon teases as Elena and Stefan walk towards the jeep.

"Call me if you need anything," Stefan tells Elena who nods.

"Oh, I'll take really good care of her." Elena grabs Stefan by the neck and kisses him, he kisses her back. Elena is obviously trying to make Damon jealous. "Okay, time to go." Damon climbs into the front passenger seat of the jeep. Elena and Stefan share a look before she climbs into the jeep.


Later; Damon, Elena, Diana, and Alaric are in the car heading to Duke. Damon looks at Elena who sits in the back with Diana who dozes slightly against the window, not fully asleep, but at least attempting to. It's a start.

"How are you doing back there?" Damon asks. "You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly."

"I don't think she's pretending." Diana mumbles, Elena smirks a little.

"You did kill her brother." Alaric reminds Damon.

"There is a huge asterisk next to that statement: he came back to life."

"Yeah, thanks to a ring that you didn't know he was wearing."

"Why are you so sure I didn't know?"

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