Not an update🙏

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Sorry but today I won't post any update of any story,
I have already completed the next part,
But fir bi aj bikul bi man nhi h kuch bi update krne ka.😔
Because today I can say it is the saddest Sunday,😔
We got the news of Sushant Singh Rajput is no more with us.
RIP 🙏 sushant singh rajput.

We are gonna really miss you 😭

So to remember him I have written some of my feelings for him.

In my profile,

Hasta muskarta chehra ☺️

Hasta muskarta chehra ☺️

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You all can even read it.
because I know many of you are sad nd heart broken💔 after listening this news.

I promise I will update the next part of story tomorrow afternoon,
Hope you all understand this🙏

Destined : ♥️SIDNAAZ♥️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora