A Little Introduction Is In Order...

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So, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna cut to the chase.
This story is set after the events in BoO (Blood of Olympus), which some may have not read yet. Although, I highly suggest you do since the book is absolutely fantastic and I'm just itching to get my hands on the new series coming out in Fall of 2015.
I'm going to tie as much of the story as I can to my own devices, but there will be plenty of references, character building, and plot events that are in the series throughout BoO.
Basically in a nutshell I am not responsible for spoiler unhappiness, because you have access to the book pretty much everywhere, and you are the one signing up to read a fanfiction about these characters. Which, by the way, I have put off writing until I read the book.
Now that the formal stuff is out the way, hope you enjoy the story :)

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