I sighed defeatedly before nodding my head. Yoongi moved closer, took a deep breath before gripping the chains around my wings. His breathing hitched as a hiss fell from his lips. My heart cracked at the sound of my soulmate in pain. My eyes clenched closed and my hands covered my face just incase something hit me as the demon pulled. The chains creaks loudly before snapping out of the of walls.

"Aw, fuck that hurt more than expected," Yoongi grunted, letting out a pain filled laugh.

I stood on wobbly legs, reaching towards the demon to stable myself. I held the back of his hands in my palms and leaned down to press feather light kisses across each palm.

"Thank you so much, Yoongi," I murmured, pulling the other into a tight hug.

"Anything for you, Angel."

"I'd hate to break up this cute moment but Jin still needs help over here!" Jimin called from the cell next to us.

My stomach dropped at the mention of the higher angel. Yoongi and I rushed over to the cell to see Jimin trying to pull the chains off of Jin. Yoongi sighed heavily before tapping the angel's shoulder. He gestured for him to move back before gripping the chains himself. This time a pained groan tumbled passed his lips. He tugged once, only managing to knock a few rocks loose. A string of profanities tumbled passed his lips and his hands visibly tightened against the holy chains, knuckles turning white. He scream a mixture of rage and pain, wings stretching out as the chain broke in half.

Jin rolled out of the way of some falling stones before trying to stand. His legs shook at the knees like a baby deer learning how to walk before he steadies himself. He gave Yoongi a surprise hug, thanking him. Yoongi nodded slowly in response.

"So have you guys seen my parents?" I asked mine and Jin's saviors.

Jimin's lips fell to a small frown, eyes darkening in anger. "That demon took them to the town center about thirty minutes ago. He knows we would have came to get you guys, so why isn't there any guards?" He asked, glaring up at the ceiling.

"He's planing something," Jin answered simply.

Without thinking I dashed toward the stairs, slipping on the mud on the way up. I could hear the hurried footsteps of my friends behind me as we raced up the stairs.

Like Jimin had said the palace was completely empty. We had ran all the way up to the throne room to see what was happening down in the market center. It looked as if every angel was gathered there in a circle. I could make out Namjesus's purple hair from the crowd, standing in the middle of everyone. He was standing beside two people tied to the posts we use to keep angels in place while we clip their wings. A sick feeling filled my stomach when I realized what was happening. He was sending my parents to Hell.

"We have to go down there and save them!" I shouted, gesturing widely towards the balcony.

"We need a plan. It could be a trap for all we know," Jimin stated, a snarl pulled on his lips when he glanced down at the crowd of angels.

"Give me your blade," I instructed, holding my hand out towards Jin.

"What?" He questioned increndulously.

"I need your blade, King. Please," I tried to keep myself from sounding desperate but by the frown on the older's face I can tell it didn't work.

He reached into his hidden sheath and pulled out a crystaled blade. A blade that could kill any demon. I took it with a thankful nod, turning towards the balcony. My wings flex as I ran forward, soaring of of the platform.

"I'm coming with you, Angel!" Yoongi shouted as he followed me out of the palace.

The angels below shouted out unintelligible words, all pointing towards us. I looked over to Yoongi to see his black eyes narrowed to slits as he watched the imposter glance up at us. We both flew down until we were right in the middle of the circle. The crowd let out a few oohs, as Yoongi flipped their leader off.

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