Senior high school

312 18 3

6 years later

krrrrring krrrriing

I click off the alarm beside my bed and blink my sleepiness.

I still feel lethargy, Tae asked me to stay up till late to watch action movies he had been waited for. We sneaked up and watch the movies quietly with headset at the living room. Aunt would be flipped if she knew we haven't sleep till twelve.

I rise and go to Tae's room to wake him up.

"Tae wake up, it's already 7.15 . Mom will get angry and suspicious we stayed up late if you don't get ready now." i try to shake his shoulder.

" mmhh, hyung.... 5 more minutes okay, i'll be awake after you done bath" Tae pout so cutely that i feel my cheeks heats up.

I try to ignore that and take his blanket with me. And yep it's not going well with my heart when i see his pj slightly rose and show his tanned smooth abs.

I gasp and try to look at anything but Tae. Oh my god this kid, what do you do to my heart.

"hyuuung, it's cold. Why are you so mean in the morning? " He curle up his body like a cat, try to get warm.

I throw his blanket at him so he can cover his body.

"I knew you would be like this, that's why i didn't want to stay up late. I'll bath first, if you haven't wake up when i'm done i'll tickle you till you awake."

"Mkay, i love you"

It's common between us to exchange i love you, but still i always feel flustered when he did.

We get everything done at 7.45 and go to the bus stop.

"hyung, guide me"

He still feel sleepy, so he ask me to guide him while he close his eyes, holding my arm with both his arm, and head leaning to my shoulder, trusting me not to bump him into anything at the road. I feel like i'm his hero eventhough he is the one who always shoo annoying friends around me. It makes my heart swell with pride every time he relies on me. That's why i always study hard i want to make him proud of me so he can always lean on me.

I think i always feel this way about him. Yes i know, i fell in love with him since a long time ago. I always cherish his cute boxy smile, i can't stand see him sad or upset, i always try to be his source of happiness. I'm not a talkative person unless with Taehyung. He bring the best of me, i guess.

It's okay to be his brother although i really want to be someone more. I want to be always beside him,i don't want anyone to snatch him from me. It's just our first year of highschool but he seem to be so popular around school. I'm afraid someone will steal him from me.

"Tae, we're at bus station now. Let's sit down, the bus won't be here till 5 minutes later." i help him to sit, his head still lean at my shoulder.

"Thanks hyung, saranghae." He look at ease just close his eyes, breath steadily and having a lil smile at my shoulder.

It's amazing of me to have this tenacity not to kiss him when my heart ache so much just to feel his soft lips against mine. Patience, you know with patience comes great reward.

Well it won't be easy because Tae is a bubbly person with his charismatic way that cam make anyone adore him in any seconds. Sometimes he is too good for his own good. Yeah, it's already hard for this last 2 years to drove them out of Tae's life. Just say i have my way to monopolize Tae's attention (evil's smirk). Everything for our love one, right? Yeep, I don't want him to replace me. Hope that doesn't sound too psycho, LOL. I'm his brother, his best friend and one day i hope his lover too.

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