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it's your first day of college and you are really nervous, you're the new kid around and you know nobody.
you wake up and sluggishly fall out of bed, you grab your clothes and stumble into the kitchen to make breakfast. You are still halve asleep and didn't get much rest because of the stress of moving into an unfamiliar place.
you grab the cereal and open up the fridge to retrieve what you think is milk, you start to pour only realising you haven't gotten the milk out, it's orange juice.
"what a great start to the day-" you say as you pour the orangy cereal into the bin.
you get your keys and leave to go to college for the day. Nervously you start the engine and drive away, upon approaching the school you realise you haven't brushed your teeth. this has you awake, you speed to the nearest shop to get anything that will mask the fact you haven't brushed and hurry back to the college.

*bell rings*

you check your timetable to see where you're supposed to be as you rush to your class you run into a lamp. your heart drops, "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!" you say as you look up to see your victim. you can't help but gaze at his pearly white shade, he is so tall and skinny. you notice his bulb and wire, this has you even more choaked up,
he asks for your name, "m- my name is, (y/n)" you blush, shocked he even asked. you start to walk away and he slips you a peice of paper. You look at it wondering what he has given you, it's his number. You feel butterflies in your stomach and lose track of everything. suddenly a tutor stops you in your path "where are you supposed to be" she said in a stern, meaningful voice " I'm not sure, I'm new here" you say shyly, "Ah! you must be (y/n)" her voice softens ash she speaks
"yes, that's me!" you say trying to sound as friendly as possible to mask the deep feeling left by Lamp. she instructs you to follow her and she takes you to class.

*day passes*

you arrive home with a new feeling, somthing you've never felt before. you reach into your pocket for the slip of paper and you text it
"hi, it's (y/n)" you wait a while, not expecting a response when suddenly;
"hey (y/n), you really know how to get a guys attention ;)"
unsure how to respond, you panick and write back
"haha yea!" you click send, instantly regretting it, I mean how awkward. your phone lights up, you read the notification, he's typing but it's taking abnormally long. your mind is racing with the worst possible outcomes when *PING*
"You should come over tonight, party at my house. see you there" he then text the address.
you are over come with excitement, and then fear. you've only just met him, why is he this interested? after some debate you decide to go, you want to look presentable so you take a shower and get out your nicest clothes, you brush your teeth and do your hair by this time it's only halve an hour untill the party, it's about 9:30.
you sit down and text him back "I'll be there"

you arrive at the party and see that it's packed. his house is a mansion, there is a water feature at the front, you push open the door to hear blasting dubstep. the odour of tightly packed people is overwhelming but once you get past them it's fine. you see him in the distance, he looks over to you as if he senses you're there, he shouts your name so you go over. he offers you a drink so you accept, a few hours go by as do the drinks, you've spent all night with him but you think about going home because it's nearly 3 in the morning but he insists you stay. he leads you to his room, you're both relatively drunk but you're still aware of what is happening. you sit down next to him, you examine him and he examines you. you reach for his switch, he doesn't resist so you procede. you slowly flick it on he starts to get fidgety he wraps his wire around you and leads you to the bed, he carries on caressing you. his swift and soft movements are so gentle and well thought out. he seems experienced and you enjoy it. before you know it the time has passed and now you're both sprawled out on the bed. he is asleep and the sun looks as if it's been up for a while, you look at your phone and the time says 2pm, you decide to leave a note and go home. before you get in your car you hear the door re opening, it's him "(y/n)! again soon?" you smile and nod. you get home and you feel amazing. that was the best time of your life.

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