Reginald brought me a different suit this time. My hair is grown out. V likes it. I. Well lets just say I haven't looked like this since I became Spooky. Reginald says I look more approachable, easier to sell that I'm a reformed gangbanger. Reformed. I smile to myself as I adjust my tie. I don't know about reformed, because I'll shoot anyone that attempts to harm anyone or anything I love. But maybe it's time to trade in the gun for a spatula. Live with V, we got Cesar there. Have a little one running around. I smirk at the idea. I gotta beat this case first. I sigh.

"Let's go Diaz" the bailiff says. I stick out my wrist as he cuffs them. "Nervous?" he asks as we walk to the courtroom. "Yeah" I respond quietly. Who wouldn't be? you're letting 12 people decide the fate of your life on a situation they weren't there for. All I can do is pray Reginald and Joseph painted the correct picture for them.

The bailiff stops me before we walk through, "I don't say this often, but I hope you beat this Spooky" I give a small smile, "from your mouth to their ears" I say nodding. We walk in, he walks me to the defendant's chair next to Reginald. I see V sitting in the row behind us, Cesar and Jasmine are to her right and Nora is to her left. In the last row is Mando with Leah on his left. "Always closest to the door for protection," I think to myself. I wink at V and she reciprocates smiling. Reginald pats my back. Joseph smiles then looks around. I take deep breaths rubbing the sweat off my palms against my slacks.

"All Rise!" the bailiff says. We comply. The 12 jurors walk in and Judge Malloy follows. "You may be seated" Judge Malloy orders. "Let's begin with closing arguments. Is the defense ready?" He asks.

"Yes your honor" Reginald says standing up.

"You may proceed".

Reginald fixes his tie, walks to the middle of the court room, faces the jury and begins his closing statement. I zone out, watching the jury, they nod their heads in unison. Glance at me then back at Reginald. I see one juror shed a tear. Is that good? Reginald points at me, "this man, was at the right place at the right time," I hear him say. I look at Judge Malloy as he listens squinting his eyes. Resting his mouth against a fist.

"Justice was served when Stacey was murdered, evidence showed SHE murdered Bernice, don't let the justice system fail this young man by punishing him for trying to do the right thing in a scenario where he could've died" His words echo around in my head.

I look to the jury, 2 other women were drying their tears with Kleenex. "25 to life, think about that, 25 to life. Is that justice for trying to save someones life? for fighting for your own?" he says looking at the jurors in the eyes. He turns around and walks to his seat. He scoots his chair forward and sits looking at the judge.

Judge Malloy clears his throat, "State, your closing argument" he says.

Mr. Mccleary stands up, looks at his notepad, tugs on his jacket and begins. "Spooky. Let that name linger in your mind, because while the defense tries to paint a pretty picture of a good samaritan defending himself, I want you to remember Spooky, head of a notorious gang called the Santos."

This mutherfu. Calm down. V said that this would happen, not to show rage or it will justify his words, think about something else. Not her because it'll make me smile. Fuck I almost smiled. I let my mind wander. Thought about the day I got out of Corcoran, after 4 years in a 6 by 8 i needed to see something big, open. I remember sitting on the beach. Smoking a cigarette, smell of the ocean. Mist and the wind against my face.

The prosecuter comes in my peripheral, pointing at me, "His boss was murdered, but is Spooky a reformed gangbanger or the new leader? Ask yourself this, would 25 to life have prevented a new wave of terror" he says nodding his head taking a seat. "Fuck" I sigh.

"The court will take a short recess while the Jury deliberate" Judge Malloy announces banging his mallet.

4 hours later

The jury file in each taking their seats.

"Has the jury reach a unanimous decision?" Judge Malloy asks.

"Yes your honor" the jury foreperson says.

"Can you hand the verdict form to the bailiff please?" he demands calmly.

Judge Malloy flips through the sheets. I stare at him trying to read his face, but his reading glasses are blocking him.

"Ok the court clerk will read and record the verdict" he says handing the papers to a middle aged woman in a business suit.

"Yes your honor" she responds.

"In the case of the State of California vs Oscar Diaz, the verdict on count 1, kidnapping of Bernice Miller we the Jury find the defendant: Not Guilty"

"Whew that's one" I think to myself.

"In the case of the State of California vs Oscar Diaz, the verdict on count 2, 1st degree murder of Bernice Miller we the Jury find the defendant: Not Guilty"

I exhale deeply, "thats two".

"In the case of the State of California vs Oscar Diaz, the verdict on count 3, 1st degree murder of Stacey Delgado we the Jury find the defendant: Not Guilty".

My body relaxes and I try hard to conceal my smile. "I'm almost home baby".

"In the case of the State of California vs Oscar Diaz, the verdict on count 4, Voluntary Manslaughter of Parker Smith we the Jury find the defendant: Guilty"

The room collectively gasps. I close my eyes and lick my lips as the words ring in my ears. "Guilty" "fuck" I think.

Reginald puts his arm on my shoulder and squeezes. "This isn't over, don't worry" he whispers. I zoned him out as I look back at V. I study her face as she stares off at the jury. Her eyes were glossy, she puckers her lips, sniffling. She meets my gaze and smiles, "it's ok" she mouths out to me.

"Sentencing will be held in two weeks from today" Judge Malloy bangs his hammer. "Court is adjourned".

***End of Chapter. 🥺😔***

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