Would You Be So Kind? (Fem Reader)

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This was a request from TialleAn! Thank you for requesting. This is a songfic to the song 'Would You Be So Kind' by Dodie Clark.

Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters, the lyrics, or the image. I own the plot


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

I have a question

It might seem strange

How are your lungs?

Are they in pain?

Her (E/C) eyes trailed his form as he sparred with his best friend. She was so infatuated with him that she failed to remember she was also supposed to be sparring. "(Y/L/N)! Pay attention!" Aizawa shouted, making the (H/C) shake her head. (Y/N) had barely enough time to duck under Mina's kick. As soon as she got back up, she kicked behind the pink girl's knee, making her fall down to the ground. The (H/C) took the opportunity to pin her down, looking back over at the aggressive blond across the field. Mina rolled her eyes, "seriously, (Y/N)? You can do so much better than him."

'Cause mine are aching

Think I know why

I kinda like it, though

You wanna try?

"I don't know what you're talking about!" she defended, a faint pink dusting over her cheeks. Her friend rolled her yellow eyes, "yes you do! Everyone in our class knows except Bakugo himself." Ashido had a cheeky grin, making (Y/N) not believe her words. "Don't say his name! He might hear you!" she cried, placing her left hand over the pink girl's mouth. Another eye roll came from Mina. She tried talking, but it was muffled from the hand. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through the limb, making the (H/C) pull it away and cradle it to her chest, "that was mean, Ashido!" "Well, you were covering my mouth," she argued, this time making (Y/N) roll her eyes. "As I was trying to say, just tell Blasty Boy. You're the only girl he actually let's hang around him other than me. Although, he didn't let me at first; he did for you." (Y/N)'s face got even more red, "I can't! You know how he is. He's all: Die! Die! Die! I'll be the Number One Hero! Dekuuuuuuu!!!!" Ashido covered her mouth and began laughing, drawing attention over to the two girls. "What's Raccoon Eyes losing her mind over now?" a familiar blond asked, walking over with Kirishima.

Oh, would you be

So kind

As to fall in love with me, you see

Mina began to calm down, but (Y/N) only got more flustered. She couldn't even look him in his deep, crimson eyes. "Woah, you're looking kind of red, (Y/N)," Kirishima announced, placing the back of his hand on her forehead. Katsuki scowled at his friend's action, but nobody noticed. "If you're sick, you should've stayed in the dorms, Shorty," the blond added, making her pout. "Just because you're an oversized tree doesn't mean I'm short!" she shouted, freezing when she realized everybody in her class. She quickly faked a cough, "you know what? I am feeling kinda sick. I'm gonna head back to the dorms. Bye!" (Y/N) quickly got off of Ashido's back and sprinted away from the field, rushing to the dorms, "love sick..." she mumbled.

I'm trying

I know you know that I like you

But that's not enough

Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now