Chap. 01|Buccaneer

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My name is [Y/N] Moulin, the captain of the Griffinstriders. Moulin is not my last name. Moulin is an alias I have given myself because I wanted to get away from my familial roots. My father is a well renown member of the Marines with skills unlike those of other marines going from captain to lieutenant to colonel in a short matter of years. My parents hated pirates. And if I hadn't dropped my name, then I wouldn't have the crew I have today. Because with a name like mine, you're not made to make any kind of friends if you want to be a pirate. Any...

What the hell? My ink just smeared across my journal! Who would do something like that? I sat up from my desk and walked outside to see what the commotion was. Another pirate ship. Roughly the same size as our own, but slightly smaller than ours. And it looked like our first mate, Aiden, angered someone (more like two people) with moss hair and another with blonde hair while smoking a cigarette.

"AIDEN!" I shrieked at him.

The blue haired male turned towards me in what appeared to be a reluctant turn. He knew what could be expected from my temper.

"Wow, Aiden. Cheer up. It's not like you haven't been on the recieving end of her anger before." A voice chuckled from his spot lounging on the deck with a book in his hand.

"Hakoda! Save me! Please, I beg of you! My sister is lenient when it comes to you!" My brother ran over and hugged the said man.

The two men looking down at him sweatdropped. I sighed before addressing them. "Sorry for whatever my idiot brother did! Haha!"

"He shot your cannon at our ship." The moss haired man told me.

So that's why my ink fell and smeared my journal. I'm gonna have to have a word with him afterall. Aren't I? I was hoping it was his usual dumb antics. Not this level of stupid. He's gone to a whole other level of idiocy.

"Hello, princess! Who might you be, gorgeous?" The blonde said staring at me while holding my hand with his. Are those heart eyes?

"Uh, hi." I redrew my hand from his grasp. Apparently that made the man scurry back over to his ship, utterly defeated. "Sorry about my brother again." I said.

"Hey, [Y/N]! Lunch is ready!" Sarabe, our main chef, a woman with tan skin and golden hair, popped out of the kitchen.

As soon as she said that, the other members of my crew looked at her and made a beeline to where we eat food. All thirty members of them. I sighed at their dumb and stupid antics.

"Be there in a minute!" I called over to her before I looked up at the two of them. "Would you guys like some lunch?"

"What? Food?" A raven haired boy with a straw hat and a red vest appeared out of no where with a bright big smile on his face. 

I looked over at Sarabe who along with her husband, Hakoda, were bringing out the pots that were filled with our lunch. No doubt from the giant sea monster we were able to take down and kill for the village it was terrorizing. No doubt more than the thirty of us could handle.

"There's what? Ten of you?" The three of them exchanged looks and before I knew it, it was the thirty of us against the ten of them at the table.

We each exchanged names among ourselves. And then we dived into the food while engaging with conversation with one another. Aiden was talking with Sanji and Zoro (who I could tell was still a bit salty with him). Nami, a ginger female, was engaged in conversation with Hakoda and Sarabe. Hera, our helmsman; Jesse, our main nurse; Lucy, our shipwright; were all talking animatedly with Usop. And those were just ones I can see and distinquish from. They were all talking with each other. Like natural friends would I was one of the only ones not wanting to engage in conversation. Until I heard my name pop up.

"If you want to know about the giant crustacean monster we destroyed to get this food, you better ask our captain about it. The Moulin Trickshot." Aiden told him.


"Yeah, she's our captain." He said, his voice echoing into the cup he was drinking from.

And at that, the other pirate crew turned towards me. Including the straw hat guy named Luffy who had been preoccupied with eating some lobster meat. Okay, thanks for putting me on the spot, Aiden. You stupid brother of mine.

"[Y/N], you good?" our animal companion said much to the shock of the other crew.

"AH! YOU TALK?!?!"

"You have a talking shape shifting reindeer!" Pidge, our tracker for land based seiges, fired back.

"He's a bear." Luffy commented.

"He's obviously a dog, idiot." Sanji commented.

"This is Shazam, a labarador poodle great dane mix. And yes, he looks like a bear." I explained.

The dog laid down and sprawled himself out from me over Zoro to rest his head in Aiden's lap. He's a big ol' baby.

"So, [Y/N], what happened with the crustacean monster?" Sanji said, shifting the conversation from the dog to the story I was supposed to be telling.

"Okay, so the story goes is that there was this great sea monster that terrified a village on an island. Now the marines never got involved because the monster made then afraid. And also if a giant lobster or crab came out of the sea. The locals called it Megalon. We arrived at the island to witness the town in shambles. The mayor saw us pirates and asked if we could get rid of the monster. We did with me going a little bit overboard and accidentally killing it. So after we got the supplies ee needed from the island which is why we sailed to the island in her first place. The towns people gave us a good chunk of the monster as a reward. And now we're trying to eat it while we look for more food. The story really isn't that interesting." I explained.

"What are you talking about?! You have to add in the awesome fight scene! That's the only interesting thing in the story." Pidge said, her short hair bouncing against her shoulders as she fist bumped the air.

"Why do they call you the Moulin Trickshot anyway?" asked Luffy with a small portion of the leg in her mouth.

The Straw Hat Pirates turned to me. I guess I have to explain this part. A part of me I didn't want to have to tell anyone anymore. "It is a long story, but I guess our story begins when I was twelve. Now to understand this you need to know my father was a member of the marines as a colonel..."

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