Emotional difficulty (Kyotani Kentaro X Reader)

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Your brother called him Mad Dog. some called him scary. Iwaizumi-kun called him a challenge to work with. Others called him a lone wolf.

You didn't know what to make of him.

You were visiting Aoba Josai during a break you were on for school. Once you entered that gym, his glare hit you. It sent a cold shiver up your spine. It was unlike anything you've ever felt in the past. It was challenging you and sizing you up all at the same time. You scoured the gym for any gaze matching the one you felt. At first, you thought it maybe could be Iwaizumi, but he would never even lay a finger on you to harm you, let alone send this much hostile energy your way.

Finally, his sharp eyes met yours. You tilt your head at him. What was he glaring at? Why was he glaring at you? Had Toru said something stupid to him? You gave him a raised eyebrow. He seemed to jump back slightly. You dropped your jaw in shock. Was he afraid of you?

"(Name)-chan! Thank goodness you made it here okay! How was the trip?" a familiar airheaded voice rang out. You look over to see your brother, Toru.

"Onii-san. The trip was okay. The train from Tokyo to Miyagi isn't as bad as you think." You smile as you begin to aggressively push him away. He made a pout at you as you did so and attempted to grip onto you harder. You looked for your backup, but Iwaizumi seemed busy.

"(Name)-Chaaaan! Your brother hasn't seen you in forever! Big brother's been heartbroken ever since you decided against going to Aoba Josai! Humor him a little and let him cuddle you~!" You began looking around for help once again. You spotted Kindaichi, but he only gave you a shrug. He never helped you.

"Onii-san, please, you have practice don't you? Won't Hajime-nii-san get mad?" You pled with him.

"Practice is in a few minutes! I'll spend as much time as I can with you right now my precious baby sister!" He rubs his cheek against your own. You sigh as you look around for help again. None gave you a helpful glance.

You did, however, catch the glare of a boy who looked only a year older than you. He seemed wary of both you and your brother. You had no idea as to why.

"Hm? What is it (Name)-nee-chan?" Oikawa peered at your face before following your gaze to the scary boy with a killer leer. "Mad dog-chan! Why are you glaring at my precious little sister?" Iwaizumi suddenly whipped his head around to make sure the mean-looking boy wasn't trying to do you any harm. Some other third years also peer over to the situation.

The boy you now know as 'Mad Dog' clicks his tongue, causing Toru to jump slightly. Did your older brother have no sort of setter/Spiker bond with this boy?

"Kyotani, I don't give a shit what you do Oikawa, but so much as lay a finger on (Name)-chan and I'll beat you into the next dimension." Iwaizumi threatened and the boy flinched. Well, at least Hajime-nii had control.

"She needs to leave." He bites before turning and continuing to spike a ball against a wall. Your brother gawked as his grip loosened on you. You finally felt like you could breathe.

"Huh?! What do you mean Mad Dog-chan!?" he finally lets you go and walks carefully towards the aggressive Spiker.

"It's fine Toru. I'm gonna be in town for a few days." You try to calm him. "I'll see you at home." As you were about to turn, you notice Kyotani turn to look at you, but his face wasn't aggressive this time. It almost looked like he didn't want you to leave. You raised an eyebrow. 'Well, which one is it? Do you want me to stay or go?' you thought as you began to slowly walk out. You could then feel his eyes scan you up and down. 'Do you want me to leave or do you want to check me out?!' Your frustration began to shine through as a scowl lined your face. You shot him one last glare before leaving the gym. You would abide by his request and leave, but you wouldn't stand for his flip-flop opinion on you. Your brother gave you enough flip-flop to deal with. Your gaze, as you left, made him quickly look away as your brother began to lightly scold him. His cheeks looked slightly reddened. Was this his way of flirting with you? What was he? 6?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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