Tea Leaves (RPG AU!): Kenma Kozume x Reader

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The sigh of a tired mage mingled in the air with rowdy calls and hollers from a hall full of adventurers and travelers. Some were telling tales of their latest quests, while others organized for their next. Some crowded around the request boards, looking for their next mission. The yelling of drunks and happy partiers seemed to drown out the tired young mage's glares.

"You look pissed," A smooth voice comments. The dragging of a stool was soon followed by the grunting of a man sitting down. The tired mage looks up to a man with messy black hair and light leather armor. "What's up with you, Kenma?"

"Nothing..." Kenma replied as he pouted and looked forward. His own tri-colored hair moved forward with him, covering his eyes slightly.

"... still not enough?" The all-knowing rogue beside him chuckled. Kenma scoffed. "You know I could always loan you some-"

"No, Kuroo." Kenma's answer was quick and decisive. Kuroo froze up with a stupid shocked look on his face as his friend outright declined his offer before he could even finish it. "I don't want to be in debt to someone like you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Kuroo asked in an annoyed tone. Kenma gave him a deadpan look.

"I don't want to give you any sort of power over me. Who knows what sort of stupid things you would have me do."

"You make me out like I'm some sort of pervert or something..." Kuroo sighs as he began to fiddle with his pocket knife. "So, you think another job is going to do it? We haven't gotten any good requests in a while."

"I'll find something." Kenma replied. He began to wonder if the next job would really bring in the kind of money he needed. He knew that the harder the job, the more it paid, but he didn't want to wear himself out. It's that mentality that caused him to be in the situation he was in now. He would take a ton of little jobs for pocket cash, and go on an occasional big job for bills like rent and food with exuberant people like Hinata, the adventurer. His system worked for everyday expenses, but when the latest and greatest in magic tech came out, he quickly became flat broke. He was currently looking at not making his rent this month.

"Oh, look who's here. Yachi is pinning up the new quests." Kuroo pointed out as the petite blonde gently places the requests on the mission board. She was watched over cautiously by another, more mature girl.

Kenma quickly lifted his head, causing the hood that he was wearing to fly off the back of his head and onto his back. He watched carefully as each quest was placed in a difficulty level. The higher level boards filled up quickly, barely leaving any quests left in her basket. He observed as jobs were plucked off as quickly as they were put on.

"You should probably go and get a job before they're all gone. I know you hate the crowd, but it's necessary." Kuroo points out and Kenma sighs. Guess now would be a good time to use his latest purchase. He tightens the glove around his hand and slides in an amulet on the back of his hand. Its cyan coloring was a bright contrast against the gloves mute brown coloring. He focused on a job that Yachi was about to place in the lower ranking area and snatched it with his new gear. Yatchi nearly jumped out of her skin as the job floated from her hands towards the bar where Kuroo and Kenma were sitting.

"Are you serious?" Kuroo asked in a slightly annoyed tone as he observed his longtime friend pull the task towards him.

"Yes. Why do you think I wanted this amulet so bad?" Kenma looked over the request and read the lines carefully.

"So whatcha got?" Kuroo leaned over the mage's shoulder to read the slip of paper in his hand. The paper was hastily written on with an ink-soaked pen, and it showed. There were kitty paw prints on the corner of the request, and smudges on some letters.

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