"If you are still getting ready, he will wait. Don't freak out, go shower and I'll pick out your outfits. I'll ask Amanda and Jade to help because they know you better than me," Mia tells her. Riley nods her head, sighing as she says "Thank you." She goes over to her bathroom, closing the door as she quickly gets ready to take a shower. Mia then picks up the phone, clicking back onto the call, "Alright ladies. You know her better than anyone else, what should she wear?" She turns the camera over, moving the phone across the room as the girls look at all the clothes that Riley has scattered all over the room. 




[7:00 pm]

A knock suddenly filled the silent room as Riley was drawing on eyeliner on her left eye. She jumped as she got surprised by the noise, making the line she was drawing go to the side. Mia looks over at Riley, giggling as she sees her mistake. Riley then looks at Mia through the mirror, grabbing a makeup remover wipe, "Stop laughing," she says trying to hold in her laugher, "Can you see who it is please." Mia gets up from the chair that's in Riley's room and the walks over to the front door. She looks through the little hole, seeing a yellow hair boy stand in the way. She swings open the door, seeing Yeonjun who is looking down at his hands. 

He's wearing a yellow and black striped sweatshirt with washed out blue jeans and yellow hightops. "Wow, you're really going for the whole lemon look here aren't you buddy?" Mia tells him, making Yeonjun fluster. "I-I'm sorry, do I have the right apartment number? Does Riley live here?" he asks Mia nervously. She nods her head, "You're in the right place, nice to see you too Yeonjun. You forgot about me already?" She stands to the side, letting Yeonjun walk in. He nervously chuckle over at Mia, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, M-Mia right? Forgive me, I'm usually good at remembering people."

Mia lightly pushes him as she closes the door behind him, "Hey, relax dude. I was just messing with you. Riley is getting ready right now. I'll go see if she's ready, you can go ahead and sit down if you want." She points over to the couch as she walks back into Riley's room. She knocks on her door before quickly going in and then closing it behind her. 

Riley is putting on lip gloss as she looks over at Mia who just walked in. Riley turns around as she's wearing a flower print tube top with her sleeves down to her shoulders and the matching skirt, exposing a part of her waist area. "Is Yeonjun here?" she asks Mia. She nods her head, smiling widely, "Yeah and you two are matching." Riley curls the ends of hair a bit as she runs her fingers gently through it, making them light beach waves. "Shut up, no we're not. I'm wearing a flower print, I don't think he'll wear flowers. Which, if he does, that's cute. Don't get me wrong, but Junnie doesn't wear things like that," she tells Mia. "No, but he's basically wearing mostly yellow and your outfit has light yellow flowers on it," Mia responds back.

Riley looks at herself one last time in the mirror, breathing out heavily. She grabs her perfume bottle, spraying herself a bit. "Riley, you look beautiful. Go greet your man already, poor dude is a nervous wreck," Mia tells her. Riley grabs her sandals from the closet, slipping them on as she closes the strap around her ankles. She then looks at Mia who is motioning her to get out already. Riley walks over to her bedroom door, opening it as she looks to the side. Yeonjun quickly stands up, surprised as he sees Riley walk out. 

"Oh my god, you're so fucking gorgeous. Come here, give me a kiss," Yeonjun tells her, making Riley giggle out of nervousness. Her cheeks turn a bright red color as she places her hand over her mouth. She walks over to Yeonjun who wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her over to him and then kisses her lips quickly. "Did you match with me on purpose?" he asks. Riley shakes her head as she looks up at her boyfriend, "No, I didn't think you were gonna wear this. I guess tonight's mood is yellow." Riley laughs a little at her own comment, making Yeonjun laugh a long with her. 

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