Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Getting To Know The Assassin

Seeing the number of hands in the air, Karasuma crossed his arms and gestured Shouta to go ahead and answer them.

Shouta smirked in amusement and chose the first person, " What do you want to know, Karma-kun?" He said, gesturing Karma to speak up.

Karma lowered his hand and grinned, " Hey hey, was every job that you do requires you to have sex with the victims?" He asked nonchalantly.

The assassin raised an eyebrow in amusement. That kid never fails to amuse him. " Well, most of my victims.. yeah" He said, winking at the flustered class.

He wanted to wait for the class to calm down but Karasuma didn't, he decided that changing the topic would be a better choice, " Who's next?" He said, rolling his eyes at the teens' reactions.

" U-um," Shouta looked to his right to see Nagisa raising his hand again, " So if you weren't sent by the government, did you come here through the principal?" He asked.

Shouta smiled at the question. This one's quite smart. " Yes, your principal and I are actually quite close" He said, avoiding his use of the older guy's nickname that he usually used for the guy.

He continued to look around and pointed to another raised hand, " Hinano-chan?" He said as the strawberry blonde haired girl lowered hers and smiled.

" Say, are you and Bitch-sensei-" Shouta raised an eyebrow at the nickname, " -in a relationship?" She asked, head supported by both of her hands as she leaned forward on her desk.

Shouta couldn't help but snort, he would have answered it but he was quite intrigued by the nickname, " Is Bitch-sensei... Rina-chan?" He asked, humoured by their creativity.

But before he could get his confirmation, he heard a sigh from behind him, " Alright, interrogation time is over. You guys can ask him during the break" Karasuma stated as he clapped his hands a couple times to gain their attentions before he walked out of the class, leaving Shouta with the class and Koro-sensei.

" Ahem.. Alright class, study first questions later" Koro-sensei exclaimed as he took his place at the front of the class while Shouta took his seat at the back of the class.

Though the octopus looked like he'd like to know that as well.


Class was over and once the break started, the girls, some of the guys and ofcourse Koro-sensei, who loves to gossip, crowded around Shouta's desk as they started asking him about everything. Karma stayed in his seat as he listened in the conversation.

" No, I'm not planning on working any time soon"

" The guy wasn't good at all"

" I don't actually remember how many times I had sex... I did keep count in my diary, I'll check it out Okajima-kun"

" Well, it's not really a diary. Just a book where I keep count of my victims and how I did it"

This went on until finally Karma cut in with a question that was on everybody's mind, " So, are you and Bitch-sensei in a relationship or what?" He asked.

Shouta smirked, he knew the question would come around sooner or later, but as he was about to answer, someone walked through the doorway, " Shouta" A deep voice rumbled through the classroom.

The man in question glanced and had to take a double look at the newcomer, he wasn't expecting him to come at all. He stood up and approached him while raising an eyebrow at the sight of a couple of lunch boxes in the guy's hand.

The students were quite surprised at their principal's presence and didn't make any move as they carefully watched the new 'kid' approach the guy.

Gakuho gestured Shouta to follow him after handing the younger guy one of the lunchbox. Shouta trailed behind him as he led them to the middle of the field and sat in the shade under the large tree.

" Well, is this your way of asking me on a date, Gaku-chan?" Shouta teased as he plopped down onto the grass, sitting beside the principal and started to unpack the lunchbox.

Surprised at the sight, Shouta turned to his left with a raised eyebrow, " What, did you actually make this?" He asked, amusement visible in his tone before taking a bite of it.

He hummed as the taste flooded his tastebuds and noticed the raised eyebrow on his friend's face. He turned to him again and smirked.

" If you think I'll forgive you with this delicious meal, then you're wrong, Mister Asano"

The smug on his face didn't budge, yet his smirk only widen and said " Ofcourse, I wouldn't dare to think otherwise". Shouta rolled his eyes and took another bite, " If not for forgiveness, then are you trying to sway me with food?" He commented, smirking playfully.

" Y'know there is a saying that 'a way to a man's heart is through their stomach' or something along that line" He continued while swaying the fork, that had meat on it, infront of him before also taking another bite from it.

Gakuho chuckled and shook his head in disbelief at the assassin's flirty retorts that seems to be never ending. " What, I can't share a lunch with an old friend?" He retorted back, taking a bite from his own lunchbox as he noted the slight lack hint of salt in the meat.

They continued to eat in peace while bantering back and forth as they do. They successfully ignored the excited yet curious gazes from the students on the otherside of the huge tree; although they shouldn't been able to see it, they could just feel it.

Their meal didn't take long to finish and by the end of it as they just finished packing back the bentos, the teachers were just informed of the sudden visit from their 'superior'.


" W-"

Before Shouta could utter even a single word, the so-called 'target' had appeared infront of them. He was sweating profusely while rubbing his two tentacle hands together.

" M-M-M-Mister Asano!!-", Shouta tried his hardest to hold his laugh, " W-What brings you here?" Koro-sensei continued sweating as the big 'boss' stared at the octopus.

He stopped after a few seconds and brought a smile up to his face, which kinda freaked Koro-sensei out, " It's nothing Koro-sensei, the purpose for my visit today was only to meet-" Gakuho lifted his hand up to caress Shouta's face until he stopped at his chin " -this lovely child".

" Geh"

' Ain't he just a pain in the ass' Shouta remarked in his mind as he made a face at the principal's gesture and choice of words; now he'd need to clear up two misunderstandings.

Shouta sighed and glared at Gakuho as he finally let go of his chin. The red head smiled in satisfaction when Koro-sensei was suddenly flustered while tumbling around his words.

Gakuho didn't even wait for Koro-sensei to get himself together, instead he just patted Shouta's cheek a couple of times before walking pass the other teachers, who at some point had already arrived and watched the scene unfold, as he went back to his office.



I hope this chapter is to your liking :3

It's a bit short but I think that's a good place to end the chapter.

I am contemplating whether I rewrite some of the stuffs that I had written in the past cause I don't really like my style of writing before lolol

J Out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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