Percy's Background

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Caution some subjects may be difficult or very sensitive. 

Subjects involved abuse, depression, anxiety or phobias.

A/N- Most of this story would be in Leo's POV (Point Of View) However the backgrounds are third person or Nariation. There will be Percy's and Harry's POV in the future as well as other characters from both Greek and magic world. You have been warned!


Percy can honestly say he misses his mother. He remember that horrible day. He was six and they were walking home from a candy shop she worked out. He was enjoying a blue sucker that his mother gave him for behaving at the store and not reaching into the millions of buckets of awesome candy he wanted to eat. He wasn't really paying attention well that was until the alarms were heard as they were passing a bank and men came out in ski masks and large bags. People ran and they pointed a gun at my mom shouting at her to give them her purse. She tried telling them that there was nothing in her bag except a change of clothes for Percy incase he get into a mess there was a huge bang and they grabbed her bag and ran off. Percy stared at his frozen mother and tugged on her shirt a little and suddenly collapsed. He remember shouting for someone to help her and all people could do was look on in shock and some on their phones talking to people. 

Percy was put in Gabes Custody. Since his mom died he felt as if he died a little bit inside. He kept saying that maybe one day he would change the world so that would never happen. But as he grew older that dream slightly died and Gabe's beatings was horrible. His real name is Gabriel Ugliano but Percy called him smelly Gabe. There was a number of reasons. Percy makes them more up from time to time. One reason was he never showers. Well Percy never seen him or heard him take a shower and he often wonders why can't he smell himself? Anyways another reason was because he smells like that nasty drink. All Percy knows about that drink is the more Gabe has the more pain he gets, or if it gets poured in an open wound or cut in burns like fire pressed against his skin. He hates it because it makes him cry and he hates crying especially in front of Smelly Gabe as it shows he won. 

Percy tried asking Smelly Gabe when he was almost asleep due to the nasty smelling drink if he had other family, that could maybe take him. A hopeful dream Percy had was to get away and have a nice family that would lone and care for him. That woke up Smelly Gabe and Percy was wishing he never asked that question. On top of the 'if you did I would have pawned you off long time ago, Brat!' 

Percy in school wasn't that great. I mean the letters on the page jumped around a lot so school wasn't really fun or safe either. This is due to the bullies he deals with. But the one thing he loved about school was art. He loved art. His teacher said that art isn't just one thing it fits a wide range of things and he didn't have to be good at it. It was just for fun. Art relaxed Percy it made him happy. He would often draw families and in his mind he was in the drawing in that story he created living happy and pain free. But as Percy was getting older there was one thought in his mind. 

'Once I am old enough and I could live on my own I would leave and not look back and I will find people that would care about me and I in turn will care about them. But until then my imaginary story family will due just fine.' 

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