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Crystals day started with her favourite class...maths.
Ok look, as stupid as that sounds, Crystal was a big fan of pissing off mr. Kressley, by simply falling asleep in his class or just not listening to what he was saying.
It was definitely amusing for her classmates, as they knew that Crystal and Mr. Kressley didn't have a great student teacher relationship. And it didn't help that one of the funniest students Heidi loved to bounce off of crystals sarcastic comments.

It is truely a show to witness.

"Miss Methyd , what is the answer to the question on the board" Mr. Kressley asked as he finished writing an equation on the board. Crystal yawns and looks up. Crystal looks over at Jackie who is writing down the question and is clearly answering the question in her head. Her eyes widen as once again, she can't do math at all, and Jackie probably won't even let her copy. "Miss Methyd, I'm still waiting in that answer" Mr Kressley said impatiently .
"Oh yeah, uh 5?" Crystal answered, knowing fully that there was no way the answer was 5.
Mr. Kressley shook his head and grumbled under his breath, continuing his class. Eh, she didn't care all the much.

"Your seriously such a bitch" Heidi laughed patting crystal on the back after the class had finished. Crystal giggled and nodded her head " that's why he loves me! No other student would be willing to give him that much sass or anything, because he sucks up to mr Charles ass!"
The three friends head towards the cafeteria where they at up with the rest of their group. Crystal kept her eye out for the table, where her group of perky misfits were sitting.
Crystal didn't get along with the popular girls. They were lead by nikki, who classed her self as a doll (something about beauty being effortless?) so everyone called her Nikki doll (the reality her last nine is confusing French). She had two minions, Jaida, ( she was secretly friends with, Jaida only knew crystal as the only girl in school who smoked weed, so on weekends when Jaida wasn't with her plastic friends they would get high, eat Taco Bell and watch glee re runs) and dahlia. She was really the "Karen" of the group. Her daddy plays for all of her boob jobs and everything else she wants.

Crystal and her friends tried to slyly slide past the table of rich girls, which is hard since Dahlia couldn't keep her mouth shut " looking extra gay today crystal! Maybe you should share some of your happiness with your closet" Dahlia smirked. Crystal chucked and shook her head ignoring her, muttering "that didn't even make sense."
"Are you ignoring us Crystal? Why would you do that?" Nicky spoke, her French accent sticking out. Crystal looked up and big her lip, trying to act calm.
"I personally like my style Dahlia, at least I don't look like a ghetto barbie" she could hear Heidi chuck in some some low oo's in the back ground, as Jackie pulls on crystals skirt, mumbling a let's go.
Crystal on the other hand has her eyes fixated on the girl she doesn't recognise at their table. She had shiny brown hair, that fell just above her hips. Her body was slender, and overall made crystal drool at the mouth. She was what crystal imagined perfection would be and more.
The girls blue eyes met crystals own, and the girl softly smiled at her. If it wasn't for the fact that Dahlia's annoying sobs were breaking crystals concentration, she would have thought that time had stopped and all that was in the room was the mystery girl and herself.
"Crystal, lets go. We have caused enough mess" Jackie said, starting to pull Heidi and crystal away to their table, where Jan was waving at them.
Crystal rolled her eyes and went with her, telling Dahlia to shove it and stop complaining.
Crystal also made a mental note of asking Jaida who the girl was.

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