2. An Opportunity At My Doorstep

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We all sat for breakfast as Shihad, my brother came running to me, puffing hard.

"You met Dave?" he asked. Dave Jokkins was a seventh year Ravenclaw and also the Captain of Ravenclaw Quidditch Team.

"No, why?" I asked, highly perplexed.
He raised an eyebrow as if I committed a crime.

"Well? To go as a Seeker, then what?" he said.

Wow! I didn't know how to react. I first thought of going to the Astronomy Tower to check the positions of my stars, then I realized that I didn't take Divination subject itself.
I stared at him open mouth.

"Didn't you know?" asked Jahan who just reached there.

I really didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell this desperately to Caren but he had not come.

"Go, meet him now!" Shihad said with urgency in his tone.
"Or someone else may take it!" Jahan added.

Honestly! I am fortunate to have these two as my brothers.

"Where is he?" I asked almost jumping.

"He's over there. Don't act stupid in front of him" warned Jahan pointing at the far end of the table.

I nodded and raced there as fast as wind to where Dave and his friends were.

"Dave?" I puffed. The guy in between his friends was Dave. He was a Chaser. He had short blonde hair and glittery blue eyes. No wonder all the girls in Hogwarts prefer to be with him. But that didn't matter now.

"Yes?" he turned to me, flashing his signature million Galleon smile. I was feeling awkward and stupid. I looked at my brothers who were far behind. They gave me a thumbs up and I continued.

"Er.... I heard that you were in short of a Seeker?"

His face turned grim. "Yeah, Payal had broken her hand. She's in Mungo's now. So..."

"I'll come?" I asked. I had not planned it to be like that. I simply blurted that out.

There was a moment's pause.


"Shall I come as her replacement? As a Seeker.

Dave looked at me from top to toe and spoke something with his friends in hushed voices.

My heart was pounding. I looked at Shihad, he was still standing there. He signalled me to take a deep breathe.

After a few minutes of silent talk, Dave looked at me.
"Do you have a broom?"

I didn't. " No, I came to know about this today morning. But I'll take my brother's." I replied.

Dave nodded slowly. "Alright! Wanna do some tryouts this evening?"

"You mean, I'm in?" I asked smiling wide.

"Not exactly! Let's see what you've got!! Meet me at six in the Quidditch Pitch he smiled as he said.

"Thanks a bunch!" I said and turned to go.

"Hey wait!"

I turned. "I forgot to ask your name" Dave said.

"Usool. Usool Jahanara!" I said and ran to my place for breakfast.


"Ow! What was that for?" Caren winced during History of Magic class.

I had told him about my conversation with Dave and he said he knew about the short of Seeker. I punched him in the arm.

"You didn't even care to tell me? What sort of a best friend are you?" I asked angrily.

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