14. Beijing, The Gala ✔

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"You love him, right?" Jeein asked me again.

And this time, I stared at her sternly. "Of course, I do," I frowned a bit. "well, love doesn't always mean intimate physical contact. But yes, I love him. He's a very great man, very kind, too," I stated the truth. "I just need more time, probably,"

My mind diverted back to the present. I opened my eyes, rolled to the side, and gazed at the view outside the large window near the bed. It was still 5 PM, I had a few hours before getting ready.

* * *

I walked out of the room, and I saw Kiyong stood by the wall while crossing his arms. He was wearing a black tuxedo. His hair combed backward. As I stepped out from the doorway, he scanned his eyes right from my head to toe and back again upward. He gave me a proud smile of a boyfriend upon seeing me in a dress.

"Wow," he exclaimed. "Stunning," he sounded again.

I couldn't hide my blushed cheek and looked down. I was wearing a long white lacy dress tonight, with a relatively low cleavage and exposed shoulder. Jang Kiyong chose the dress for me when we went shopping last time.

"How do I look?" I nearly stumbled as I was wearing fifteen centimeters heels white stilettoes.

Kiyong didn't respond right away, yet he ran his sight all over my feature. He started biting his lower lips and frowned.

"What? Something looks strange?" I nervously asked and felt unconfident with my look when he gently grabbed my arms and caressed them lightly.

"I'm slightly feeling regret now," he said. I frowned but still waited for him to continue. "I shouldn't have chosen this outfit for you,"

"Why? Not look good on me?"

He shook his head, "Too perfect, it fits you perfectly, now I feel reluctant to let everyone see it," he sighed. I smiled and shrugged.

"Let them see it then," I said casually, "You'll be proud of your date tonight, Mr. Jang,"

Kiyong smile widened, and he let me linked my hand to his right arm as we walked to the ballroom.

We reached the ballroom on the 5th floor. There were quite a lot of people. The attendances were in line to get through the security process. They were scanned inside an x-ray and had to pass the metal detector.

"Wow, high-security prevention," I whispered to Kiyong as the latter lowered his body slightly.

"Yes, don't forget we're attending the Annual Ceremony Gala of an IT Company," he added.

"Ah, right," I nodded.

We both passed the security guard quickly and went into the ballroom just right when a lady approached us, "Good evening, Sir, Ma'am," she greeted us in English.

"Good evening," Kiyong responded lowly.

"May I see your invitation card, please? I'll escort you to your seat,"

Kiyong handed the girl the invitation card from the receptionist, and the staff quickly led us to the VIP section.

"This way, Mr. Jang,"

The Gala began just when we took a seat on the round table. There were a few more people, but I didn't recognize any of them. The event started with a traditional Chinese dance and following by another series of events.

"Babe," Kiyong then suddenly whispered. "I think I saw Mr. Xu over there; do you mind if I talk to him for a moment?" he asked for permission. I looked at them and nodded.

The Last Spring [Editing is in the Process]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz