Pronunciations, Explanations, Timeline, Etc.

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Note: some of these you may not have encountered yet because I haven't published a new part so don't worry about it (if only Wattpad had some way for my to insert footnotes!!)

Name and Word Pronunciations In Order Of Appearance:

Khire /kī rā/

Nabo /nä bō/: (as a species) meaning proud fighter, derived from Naibos /Nā bōs/ meaning fighter in the sky

Rayn /rān/ (like Rain) System: (of the Old Nabo language) star between empty voids

Levan /lā vän/: name of the Nabo god of death

Voch'er /vōk ær/: one of three moons inhabited by the Nabo; Nabo are said to have originated here

Qol'er /kōl ær/: second largest moon of the Nabo homeworlds orbiting the gas giant, Naibos

Sykon /sī kōn/: one of three figures under the Horde Emperor holding king-like titles and power

Relir /rā lir/

Qol'suun /kōl so͞on/

Hal'os /hôl ōs/

Hal'is /hôl is/

Suq'ia /so͞ok īä/

Raita /rī tä/

Aes'ur /āəs o͞or/

Stral'ak /strôl ək/

Ahek /æ ek/

Ruq'i /ro͞ok ī/

Acha /ä ja/

Nai'li /nī lē/

Suo'ou /so͞o law/

Kah'zix /kä zəks/

Explanations of Terms and Phrases In Order Of Appearance:

IPC: (Interstellar Peace Corps) Interstellar organization comprised of nearly every intelligent species in the galaxy with the sole purpose of keeping the actively hostile Horde at bay and promoting peace through security, armament, treaties, etc.; works at galaxy, sector and star system levels

Age Old War: After Nabo moon colonization and space exploration began, another race was discovered, destroyed for resources and labor; nuclear civil war ensued; Nabo people sent back to the iron age, populus later found each other as space exploration began again

Nabo High Council: A 13 membered group, each member representing a territory on Voch'er; responsible for diplomatic affairs and overseeing the military with some control over civilians; betrayed the Nabo people in a coup during the Capitol War

Nolaria Star System: Known to have large amounts of natural resources; location of a black market trading post and a moon designated as the Lawless Zone where criminals and gangs have free reign; the IPC has no authority here because of a binding treaty with Nolaria's native species

Retreat of the Damned: The Horde's name for the Nabo retreat, 1947 A.D.

Children of Insurrection: Defector faction within the Horde ranks whose true numbers and members' identities are unknown; gained power at the end of the Siege of the Rayn when the Horde was temporarily pushed out of the Rayn System, 1783 A.D.

Qol'suun's Bands of Silver: Silver symbolizes solemnity and warrior pride; also worn to express a reserved attitude toward an obvious topic

Territory: Land on Nabo homeworlds divided up by population, land fertility, available resources, etc.; Clan: Groups of separated communities, several can identify as part of one entity, govern regions within a territory; Family: Blood relatives within a clan, rarely take in outsiders, govern different local areas within clan boundaries

Security Chief: Main duties pertain to internal security of the ship i.e. personnel, supplies and weapons, however she also works with Hal'is and Qol'suun on Levan's external security

Khire's Age of 253 Cycles: The Nabo species can live up to an estimated 600 cycles; each cycle is estimated to be .91 Earth years.

Skytouchers: those part of an organization formed by the first Nabo who reached space post-nuclear war; meant to be peacekeepers in their isolated sector not tied to the military or Council; they held absolute authority; in the Great Peace era, very few new members were added

Capitol City of the Sea Stone Territoy: There was an underground criminal enterprise in the city; buyers and sellers used children to collect currency and information to avoid detection; these children were war orphans or kidnapped and raised in the underground

Lockdown: Security measures have been taken to ensure the following resources are used at a minimum to ensure survival and avoid detection: food, water, medicine, ammunition, fusion and nuclear energy, fuel, electricity (stored in battery packs)

Defensive Barrier: Barriers such as this could be powered by fuel, fusion or nuclear energy, or solar rays

Battle Masks: like armored helmets, they have sight enhancing lenses; the lenses shade can also be adjusted manually or set to automatically adjust to light

Timeline (I still need to update this part and organize it so be patient):

Capitol War: Last major conflict before the Nabo were forced to retreat from their homeworlds, (Earth) years 1944-1945 A.D.

The Great Peace: A period of extremely isolated peacetime on the Nabo homeworlds from approximately 904-1740 A.D.

Battle of the Void: When the Horde reentered the Rayn System; turning point of the war that tipped in the Horde's favor, 1880 A.D.

Seige of Silence:

Operation Broken Bone: Took place on Knuv'er, Earth year 1925; outcome was a draw

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