Reaching the Exam Site

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"Whatever you're daydreaming about, don't lose your focus while we're on our way, who knows if you're tripping on any rocks." The pink haired guy named Hisoka spoke up while maliciously looking at my way. That instantly sent chills down my spine and made me stay further away from the man and get more cautious of my surroundings.

We've been traveling for a few hours and have gotten back to the road after some needed rest.

To be honest, I myself could stay awake for two days, but in order to be fully prepared for what's coming I decided to take a small break for my body and mind.

As for Hisoka (or so he presented himself), I couldn't understand his persona since he carried a mysterious odd aura, making me question myself of a few things;

Why was he after the hunter's license? 

Was he taking the exam because of the license?

I also felt threatened at certain times, as if I was his prey.

But in the end the weird clown was no friend or enemy.

Or at least for now.

I started to look around and scan the area we were walking down, spotting nothing suspicious. The sky seemed to slowly turn brighter though, the morning welcoming us to the start of a new day.

"Do you know where exactly is the navigator?" I asked while staying far behind the clown guy.

"I know my ways. There's no need for a navigator." he simply answered.

This guy is tougher than I have initially imagined, I thought to myself.

 I have even wondered if this encounter could be some sort of trap, maybe set by the hunter committee themselves, in a way of getting rid of naive examinees. But I couldn't imagine this man being hired by them. Maybe he wanted allies so the chances of getting a license would increase? he did mention about my strength after all...

"Did you want me to be your ally during the exam?" I asked in a rather straight way, just wanting my doubt to be vanished.

As I looked at his direction, I could only hear a faint sick giggle coming from him, 

"No, I just thought things might be more interesting..." and again that sick glance.

 I think it's better to be away from him as soon as we get to the exam site. I also hope I won't be his foe during it, it's unknown what kind of challenges I'll find ahead.

We then entered Zaban City in search of our destination.

The place we were passing by was rather lively, the start of the day being a good time for merchants to attract customers. I could see them selling all kinds of things, but what truly caught my attention was the different types of food. They looked so good that it made me feel hungry, even if I had eaten a while before.

My attention, however, was soon switched from the apparent delicious food to the crowded area around the different tents, curiosity enabling me to catch a few phrases coming from some people, who were mentioning the hunter exam site being located around the city, which meant Hisoka wasn't trying to somehow deceive me. I was glad about it, although it still confused me his real intentions.

"It seems we have reached our destination~" Hisoka announced with a big grin on his lips as we entered a small building. A simple restaurant it appeared to be. How could this small place hold a dangerous test? Is there a secret passage?

My questions were answered when my temporary companion placed an order and we were moved to a strange room with an elevator. So I was right.

Considering this place was supposed to appear like any other simple establishment, the order Hisoka placed was meant to be a password of some sort, or so I thought. It made me curious again on how he knew exactly how to reach here, but I suppose he would never give me a clear response if that was asked.

I glanced at him and noticed he just played with his cards positioning himself against the wall.

Looking away and not giving much attention anymore to the guy, I started to think about what I'll find ahead, and quickly felt my body tensing up again, my focus on my surroundings being lost once more as my feelings made me have similar thoughts from before; would I be able to see my childhood companion after so long? would I be able to smile by his side just like back then? I wondered about Pairo too, I missed them dearly all those years; even kept the flower crown. Although the flowers had obviously withered, I held deep significance to the object, it was too precious to me.

Once the elevator door opened revealing a dark place with few people, we moved out, me rushing a bit, and were given some kind of badge containing a number code, we were also warned not to lose it.

 And so we had to stay there and wait so more applicants would come. I anxiously looked around and examined every person there.

 But no sign of my blond childhood friend. 

Fear started to take over my body, but I tried to calm myself when I realized a lot more applicants could come, considering I was number #43, and my parents once told me hundreds of people take the exam, even with the difficult level of finding it, and the high chances of not only failing it, but also losing your own life.

I looked over Hisoka and noticed he was still entertaining himself with his cards, as he patiently waited for the exam to commence. I wish I could keep myself as calm as him, but my body would never cooperate considering Kura could come from that same elevator at any second.

My thoughts, however, were stopped once I heard the pink haired guy speak to me,

 "I wonder if this person you've been waiting for is as interesting as you~", I was a bit surprised he noticed, but I realized I was kinda obvious for how I've been acting.

"I don't know what exactly you would consider interesting, but I'm certain this person grew to be as or stronger than myself." I said confidently. Kurapika was a very intelligent and courageous person, I could expect I'd be surprised with how he grew over those 4 years.

Hisoka just turned back to his cards, having an almost perverted look. I started to wonder what was on his mind but decided to not push my own mind too much on it, he was a very odd human being after all.

I kept staring in the same direction of previously: the elevator door. I realized the room was holding more and more people as the elevator would continue bringing them.

But the one I impatiently waited for still couldn't be seen.

 I wouldn't give in to disappointment though, not until the last applicant came out from that door.

And I, unfortunately, was distracted once again, not by the same person, but a new face.

"Hello! I see you're a rookie, am I right? I decided I would give a welcome, hehe. I'm Tonpa." A guy with blue and white clothing came to talk to me offering his hand to shake. I honestly found it a bit weird but decided to play nice and comply to his hanging hand; I didn't want to judge his actions as bad since I didn't know him enough.

"It seems like it. How could you tell?" I casually responded.

"Oh, well, I've been retaking the exam for quite some years, so I always know when there's a new face around." 

I wondered how hard this exam could be, and also how much he desired the license to keep on trying for years; the guy surely had the motivation.

"I wish you good luck this year then." I nicely said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, you seem like a nice person. How about we cooperate? I exchange my knowledge on the exam while you lend your strength, this way we both will have our chances to pass raised." As much as I wanted to comply with this I did have my doubts. He didn't know about my strength, and was overly nice.

Too nice to a stranger who has barely talked to him.

"C'mon, there's no need to be shy," he pushed into it while getting something out of his bag, which turned out to be a juice can. "Here, I bet you're thirsty, right?" He said with a smile.

This was surely starting to get out of hand.

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