chapter two: sorry i can't hear you

Start from the beginning

"Is it change your seat Monday?" Carlos jokes as the couple take their usual seats, Nini and Ricky still staring at each other.

"No, we're supposed to be working on our project but Bowen's being a little ass," Nini grumbled, sitting down angrily in Ricky's usual seat, capping her pens.

"Hey, don't insult my ass," Ricky remarks, the rest of their friends join their table, confused expressions on their faces.

"Why is Ricky's ass the topic of discussion?" Gina asks, as she awkwardly chooses between sitting by Nini or Ricky (she ends up sitting by Seb).

The group dives into a conversation, the petite brunette at the other end of the table from Ricky barely touching her food. Ricky notices the way she nods along whenever their friends try to start a conversation with her.

He frowns as he watches her, feeling guilty about their interaction, maybe he shouldn't have pushed as hard. He should have just let it go.

The girl snaps her head in his direction, feeling his gaze on her. He quickly looks down, his cheeks heating up at getting caught.

Snap out of it Bowen.

"I have to ask," Ashlyn starts "Why are you on opposite ends of the table?"

"It's all his fault." Nini sneered, her arms crossed over her stomach, not even looking towards Ricky.

"I didn't do anything, so chill." he bites back, Ashlyn looks toward Kourtney (who is struggling to hold back a laugh). Making a sorry I asked face.

"I liked it better when you guys didn't talk." EJ comments, Ricky rolling his eyes at that.

Of course, EJ would have something to say.

"Yeah a lot more peaceful." Carlos comments before the group move on to another topic, Ricky and Nini stealing a glance before looking away swiftly.

He felt even worse as he was leaving school that day, hearing giggling coming from behind the school.

"EJ stop!" he hears Stacy Howard flirt, a laugh coming from EJ. Ricky slowly walks over to behind the school, careful to be quiet. He peers around the corner a silent gasp escapes his lips as he sees Stacy look up at EJ through her eyes lashes, catching his mouth in a kiss. He kisses back eagerly, his hand going to her cheek. Ricky walks away, sick to his stomach. Nini and him don't have the best relationship but no one deserves to be cheated on. He takes out his phone dialing Gina, ready to beg her to tell Nini for him (she of course agrees, but not before urging him to tell her himself, him claiming she won't believe him or hate him more). That night he goes home, the EJ situation filling his mind, he can't help but feel guilty. He takes out his song journal, pouring his feelings into the song, hoping it helps.

That boy

Ain't good to you

He's breaking your heart

And it's breaking mine in two

Ricky lets Nini fill his mind as he writes this song, convincing himself it's just guilt about finding EJ cheating. He finishes writing, recording, and uploading the song as the time is nearing midnight, rubbing his eyes tiredly he goes into bed, the brown-eyed girl still not leaving his mind.

The next day everyone in school had heard about it, Nini broke up with EJ, the word getting around that he cheated on Nini. The rest of the week Ricky left Nini alone, letting her be as he noticed her distant mind, never seeming to fully be involved. He couldn't help but feel bad for her, obviously, this was hurting her and he's partially to blame.

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