Part 1

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I look to my right Harry was sprawled over the silk pillow his saliva dribbling down his cheek-oh how i wanted to lick it off for breakfast. I rolled out of bed riddled with anxiety over the thought of meeting Harry's dad.
Harry has told me his father louis owned a cafe called the beach wood cafe which was renowned for making good coffee that always sold out. It stressed me out how a suburban school graduate had managed to find myself living in a house with a worldwide famous pop star.
harry awoke from his slumber,"have you licked the saliva off my face again?" he said, i giggled-he knows me so well, i said " sorry i couldn't resist". We decided to play our morning playlist which consisted of doja cat's cyber sex, that's what makes you beautiful and watermelon sugar. We danced to the sound of gorgeous voice bellowing through the holly wood mansion. Harry always said that how i worked my way through a cheap pack of cigarettes was what attracted him most to me. At this moment whilst i was smoking on the balcony harry broke out in song serenading me with kiwi. At that moment i found myself thinking i could love him forever...

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