Chapter 20:"Losing blood"

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For hours Lisa sits in a chair, she is left the same way as was when Danny left.

She keeps thinking of how she just left Michael and could be back at the place, while she could just give him the news that she is pregnant. She regrets every bad decision she made in her life because she knows she won't be found, even if she is alive or dead, Danny would still make it happen that nobody will save her.

"Are you sleeping, beauty?"
Danny's voice takes her out of her thoughts and he puts her head up though she can't see anything:"You are still quiet aren't you?"
He laughs sounding terrifying and sits back in the same place he did hours ago and takes the blindfold off her head so she can see, she squints her eyes from the bright lights.

She blinks a couple of times and looks at him confused and with hurt in her eyes: "I guess you want to do something to me, that's why you came?"she says tired, feeling too weak to even speak. She looks at her leg, seeing blood, wanting to vomit.

Danny smirks at her, looking at her up and down, he looks at the blood dripping from her leg, satisfied with himself:"Oh well honey-" he says stroking Lisa's face:"Your just the bait to who we want. And if you don't do what we say. Your death will come
quicker" and grins at her evily.

Lisa feels a pain in her chest just thinking about Danny hurting Michael, tears starts to run from her eyes:"Don't hurt him.. please...we will give you everything you want Danny.."

Danny laughs:"Oh I will get my share's my boss you should be more afraid of.
If that bastard gives us what we want. I might just take you as well"

Lisa sighs queitly and looks at her leg which is bleeding profusely and feels sick, looking away:"Why did you come here Danny.."

Danny sneers at lisa:"Don't worry about princess" and hears banging outside and whispers to him:"Son of a bitch, who the hell is irratating me"
He opens the door walking outside and locking it:"Yes?"

The boss and woman looks at him:"Have you phoned Michael?"

Danny nods his head:"Yes"

The boss furrows his eyebrows:"Okay good. He must be in a flat out panic"

The woman looks at Danny:" Make sure she is actually tied up this time. We don't want any mishaps"

**Michael's pov**

I haven't slept in hours. I am a complete mess. I keep searching for Lisa and phoning Janet, probably annoying the life out of her.
But if Lisa is with that psychopath, he can do anything to her. He must be working for someone. But who would hate me that much and for money? I lie back down on the bed and cry.

Rex walks in:"Boss, we haven't found any updates. The FBI says they are working on it but haven't found anything. Whomever these people are, they are clever"

Michael sits up:"This isn't the way my honeymoon was supposed to go." Michael says breaking down

Rex looks down:"I'm sorry sir, we are trying out best, going out is also risky. We could get killed"

Michael rubs eyes:"And the fact that she is pregnant now. I want her in my arms, safe, away from danger and to protect my child."

Rex's looks at Michael compassionately:"Boss please try to get sleep, I'll stay here and keep watch"

Michael lies back down, surprisingly getting some sleep....

**Lisa's pov**

She looks around the room, not moving from the place, just sitting. She doesn't want to fight but just wants to cry because she doesn't want her baby to die, she sighs thinking of Michael, knowing he is worried about her and starts to tear up somehow thinking about him makes her feel better.
Danny comes in with food, she looks at him with confusion.
He puts down everything on the table and unties her, she doesn't even move: "What a you are not even running or fighting me?" He laughs and pulls her up, while she groans in pain and he pushes her in the chair, handcuffing her to table, giving an order:"Eat.Because..we don't want you to die from hunger" he sits on the chair while she doesn't move feeling sick:"EAT!" He yells and Lisa jumps in the chair, taking a spoon full, eating slowly: "Good." He responds

**An hour later**

Danny ties her back to the chair and looks at her seeing she passed out and goes to his boss...

Michael's phone rings:"Hey Dunk"

**Janet's Pov**

She talks on the phone:"Hey Applehead, the plane is ready, we are boarding, we'll hopefully be there shortly"

Michael rejoices, full of hope:"Thank you Dunk, I love you, safe travels"

Janet sits down, with her team:"Thanks Applehead, love you too, bye"
she hangs up and fastens her seatbelt as they take off.

**Hours later**

The plane is close to landing as one of the guy opens his equipment to see how far they have gotten to tracking Lisa, he presses on the screen as a count down starts on the screen and he looks confused.

Janet looks at him: "What's wrong?"

The guy looks closer:"What the fuck, I don't know, looks like a count down"

Janet looks at him puzzled:"That's weird"

The guy sees 3 seconds left and clicks on it:"It looks like a-"

Before he finishes, the plane blows up and the pilots lose control, they soon fall from the sky, dropping lower and lower. Janet holds on for dear life.
They crash onto the runway, the plane is torn to pieces as parts fly everywhere.

Fire and smoke is the only thing around them and a piece of the plane is impaled into one side Janet's body, she feels the blood pouring and lies on the tarmac, her face is beaten up, she tries to scrape herself to move away from the plane. The last thing she sees is her team lying on the ground before everything goes black....

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