flightless bird

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"I've found youu, flightless bird," was the song that played from a white woman's iPhone as Erik strolled tall and proud into the gas station.. She had it playing as she stood in front of an open refrigerator in flip flops holding the glass door against her shoulder. Erik turned his attention to the man behind the counter with bumpy brown skin full of blackheads and a thicket of coarse, dark, and wiry hair. Flashing the badge that said Howard, he spotted movement from the corner of his eye. Someone in his peripheral.


Ivy stood iced over and terrified. She couldn't make herself move though she knew in her mind she needed to run.

Run, girl, move.

She backed up a little, her eyes focused on the danger looking dead at her. Could she catch a break?

It was a big snake. A big ass snake on the ground that she had to get by without running into the road and she hated snakes. She was on the extremely narrow side of the road outside of the line on the highway praying no one hit her, but she was on her way to a meetup spot. She needed to keep going to get to a further point because she felt anxious, paranoid that the dentist was after her and that she was too near. It was why she'd left the gas station, there was too much going on and she didn't feel right.

"I'm done waiting," Ivy stood losing her patience.

"Police should be coming soon," the attendant remarked in a transparent attempt to keep her away from him but she had had enough. Enough of being fearful, enough of people not believing her, enough of police.

Fuck the police, she thought as she walked gently from the small store and looked left and right before re-entering. She didn't have a dime, credit card, or ID.

"Hey. Can you call me a cab?"


"CAB. A CAB. Call me a CAB," she reiterated loudly. He knew what the fuck she was saying.

He was hesitant, looking as though she were trying to set him up. Sighing, he decided to do the humane thing though it looked like it hurt him. He slowly pulled out his phone unlocking it and grudgingly handing over. Ivy snatched it and snatched a snickers and a bag of sun chips too. They were the closest items she could grab, running as best as she could. She was starving.

She tapped the screen to keep the phone awake. He couldn't abandon the store so when she got a good distance, she stopped to take a rest to breathe. Maybe the cops would come faster now since she stole someone's shit. Maybe she needed to do a string of crime to get some attention and some assistance.

Calling her boss, she left a message explaining her situation in shorthand. She didn't know anyone else's number by heart, no one's but her brother's and that nigga was in Florida with his sheisty ass. Then on top of that, it wasn't her phone she was calling from which meant he probably wouldn't even answer it in case it was someone calling to look for him or collect money.

"Ivan!" She nearly screamed when he answered.

"Ivy?... Where you been?! I been calling you, leaving you messages. Where you calling from?"

"A stolen phone. Ivan! Remember that stalker mom told you about?"


"He kidnapped me and mom! He's tryna kill me and I'm running now 'cause my ass is scared! I tried to kill him, he's like 6'2 250 and I freaked, Ivan, I don't know if he's dead or alive or some kinda physically fucked up and I'm scared to go back. He has everything! My cards, my wallet, money, ID, keys-"

"Sis, slow down. You say this nigga.. he kidnapped you?"

"Kidnapped! He sliced my ass up like Freddy, my thigh fucked up! I'm a send you a picture!" Taking a pic with the flash, I try to send it but it won't go through because of course there's no connection or hotspot. "The picture won't send right now but-"

"Hell nah where you at, I'm a get there. Can you get somewhere like a friend's house or hotel?"

"Ivan you need a credit card to book a hotel and I card the police but they ain't shit."

"What you call the police for?! Damn, sis. Rule of the hood, you never call the feds! You wanna die?!"


"Look I'll book the hoe, just tell me where you headed."

"You gotta pay the uber too can you use your phone to set it up? I'll tell you in a few minutes where to send it to."


Erik peeped over his shoulder spotting a little girl next to a figure he'd initially ignored. She looked at him and that was when he knew he was right in what he'd wanted. He could have one of those things if he wanted.. one of his own. He'd teach it and feed it and raise it. It couldn't be too difficult. Perhaps it'd take after him and have an interest in the arts.. he could see it in his mind's eye. He'd provide limitless canvases.

The thought excited him. He'd be a mentor and enrich the next generation, showing the world the meaning of true artistic vision, he and his protege. His seed.

Unlike his damned mother, he'd nurture the gift.. not fear it. She didn't deserve a child as brilliant as he. She couldn't handle it or see the blessing for what it was and in the end.. it cost her her life.

He threw a packet of lifesavers on the counter looking at the attendant.

"You reported an injured woman.. I don't see an injured woman..," Erik glared.

"Yes, I called and reported a woman who came in with the blood on her clothing and on her thigh?" Get to the point. "She was black woman," he gestured, "She stole from me, she took my-," I don't care. "My phone and ran ou-"

"About how long ago?" Erik's stare was pressuring.

"It was about- It was about fifteen minutes ago.. What about my phone?"

Fuck your phone.

"An injured young lady is wandering about and you're concerned about a phone?" Erik's squint shamed the man and silenced him all at once. "Do you have any sort of tracker on it?"

"Yes. It has happened before, my phone being stolen, so I installed what is an app to help me to-"

"Yeah aight take this phone and do what you gotta do.." Erik handed over Ivy's phone watching as the attendant worked his magic to point him in the direction of the lost young lady.

"Very effective app," Erik commented watching the guy work. He tuned out completely once the guy started his story about his last time being robbed. "Alright," he cut in interrupting one of the most uninteresting tales of the year, "When I locate the young lady we'll get her some medical attention and it should be pretty easy to return your phone to you.

"You need information? To write in a- uh report?"

The reminder had Erik itching to leave. He had his hot trail and he wasn't actually an officer.

"Yes, let me take that info," he nodded with a snap, "Oh gee, seems I need to head to my cruiser. Give me a second will ya?"

Exiting the store with the mints in hand, unpaid for, he quickly climbed into the car with a shake of his head and pulled away.

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