Secrets kept. A New Journey and Enemies

Start from the beginning

Drift tightened his hold on her a bit, saying something in Cybertronian, and rubbing her back. "Hey. Forget it. Tomorrow morning, Ironhide, me, Hound, Bumblebee, Prowl and Mirage will teach you and Enyo what to do in a situation like that. So you'll be ready next time. SunnySide and Conway, Enyo's puppy will also be joining it."

Abby sniffled, "R-really?"

"Yes. No one wants it to happen again. You'll even see how dirty Decepticons fight. But my question is, why didn't you run away, if I was not there?" Drift said.

"I was frozen. I couldn't move." Abby informed.

"How were you frozen? For us, we can freeze if someone locks up our alt on the inside." Drift was confused about why she froze instead of running away.

"Fear took over when you weren't acting like yourself." Abby said.

"Were you scared? It's okay if you were. A lot of the bots were wary of me, since Decepticons have never disbanded from it. They all knew me as a killer, I've killed sparklings, creators, even humans." He lets go of her, burying his head in his hands, memories of the screams of pain and begging replaying in his mind.

"I was worried. About you. I thought someone... was going to hurt you.. I didn't want any of my family to get hurt." Abby sniffled out.

Drift hugged her, burying his face in her hair, holding her close to where his beating spark is.

Abby buried her face in his chest.

"You good to go?" Drift asked her after a few minutes of standing there.

Abby nodded her head once.

Drift picked her up and took her to his bedroom with SunnySide following close behind him. He walked into his bedroom and SunnySide followed and Drift closed the door. He then walked up to his bed where he lay with Abby next to him with a fistful of his pajama shirt. SunnySide slept next to his best friend and curled up to sleep.

 SunnySide slept next to his best friend and curled up to sleep

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Drift's pov

I was sleeping after a long day of getting scolded by Ratchet and the others for scaring Abby. I didn't mean to do such a thing. Something was controlling me against my will. I was myself, but at the same time I was a different bot. Deadlock had been released somehow and Ratchet's been unsure of whether it had something to do with a device Abby said she found on my backstruts or not.

Either way, it's best I keep my distance for right now. I don't want to hurt her because unlike the others, she can keep an Autobot calm without saying anything.

Just being in her presence is enough to know anyone would want to keep her happy and innocent.

I was startled out of my slumber/thoughts when I heard what sounded like a child screaming.

That scream- Abby!

I got out of bed and ran to her bedroom, which was three doors down to the right from mine, and burst in the room to see she was crying and shaking. I could tell fear was coming off of her in waves as she looked around before she looked at me.

I Found A Robot Hiding In My Barn!? Being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now