" Just a little above average"

Irina laughed, she lifted her head from his shoulder as she was starting to feel better, and lightly punched his shoulder, " Well unlucky you" She commented as Shouta laughed along with her.

For the whole PE class, they decided to catch up with each other as they hadn't meet face to face for 6 years. The couple of old friends laughed along and chatted through the hour, not realizing that the yellow creature was watching their gestures from the other side of the field.

After a while, the students are finally going back to the locker room to change. Irina stood up and stretched, " Well, the next class is mine, shall we go 'o student of mine?" She said playfully, handing out her hand for him to take.

Shouta smirked in amusement and shook his head, " Maybe later," He glanced at the approaching PE teacher " I think I'm going to have a talk with the handsome agent" He said, winking at Irina who rolled her eyes.

Irina's hand was still held out infront of him, " Well then, I'm not missing that talk, they're still changing y'know" She said as he finally took her hand.

As Karasuma passed them, they heard him simply said " Office". They followed the stoic agent to the teacher's office with Koro-sensei trailing behind them.

The teachers taking their seats in the office, Shouta was left to stand beside Karasuma. He shifted his weight back and forth on his two feet as the silence went on while he waited for Karasuma to begin their talk.

Karasuma sighed in their seat and turned to his right to look at the younger assassin, " What are you doing here?" He asked, crossing his arms as if he was a teacher scolding a student. Well, technically Karasuma is his teacher.

Shouta shrugged, " It was not my idea, Gaku-chan's the one who put me in here" He said, raising hands in surrenders as he heard Koro-sensei choking at the nickname.

Karasuma only raised an eyebrow as if to tell him to elaborate, Shouta sighed, " Well, the experience that I told you people about was-" He waved his hands to gesture at his surroundings and reluctantly continued " having a normal life"

He chewed on the inside of his cheek and shrugged again, " And what better way to experience it by being a high schooler" He said, suddenly finding the floor the most interesting thing in the room.


He was suddenly hugged by the numerous tentacles of a crying octopus, Koro-sensei rubbed his circular head at the top of the assassin's head.

Shouta made a confused sound and looked at the other two teachers, " Is he always like this?" He asked in exasperation, gesturing at the yellow octopus atop of his head with his eyes.

Irina rested her head on her hand with her elbow propped on her desk, " Only for his precious students" She said, her tone full of humour.

Shouta sighed and used his skill to expertly slip out of the holds, he yet again smoothed out his outfits and hair. " No offense Koro-sensei, but the only people that I intentionally let to hold me are-" He stopped and gestured at his neck to imply what he meant.

He chuckled when Koro-sensei suddenly gasped and quickly moved away from the assassin, he then heard someone cleared his throat. Turning around, he saw Karasuma with an unamused expression, still waiting for explanation.

Shouta smiled sheepishly and sighed as he continued his story " So I contacted Gaku-chan who I know owned a school, I actually met him about 5 years ago.. Charming guy".

He heard Karasuma grunted, " So it is really his doing" He grumbled as Shouta nodded, " Yeah and the fact that I told him about my situation totally made me convinced that he did it in purpose" He said, not realizing that he was pouting at the thought.


After a few calls here and there, it was now set that Ando Shouta would be joining class 3-E under the disguise of a tranferred 'Repeater' student.

" -and so he'll be joining you guys until either the earth is destroyed or you guys graduate," Karasuma explained infront of the class as said class was looking at the assassin who already changed to their usual uniform, turtleneck covering the hickeys.

" Any questions?"

As soon as Karasuma asked the particular question, quite a number of hands shot up.

This is going to be a long day.


I really love writing this, I've never wrote an original character with such behaviour.

I do hope y'all enjoy.

And do tell if there are any OOCs in my story, I'd appreciate it.

J Out!

The Assassin (Karasuma Tadaomi/Male Original Character)Where stories live. Discover now