A bomb blast

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In 1996, the lady from Burkina that had gotten the first rank in the inter-states public force examination was sent to Lesotho to start her first posting. 

On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, my community, and the agency I serve.

                                                                                        - oath taken by Inspector Jemima. 

Mesaru town is a town that never sleeps and flooded with lots of people living in the slum the areas. Most of the time is contaminated with a foul odor. There are numerous unemployed youths, racketeers and hooligans around the town. Crime rates have been skyrocketing lately and the police authority had lost control of those hooligans because no one respects law. Along the 24/7 Trope street, Inspector Jemima entered the office with her silver undeniable symbolic value police suit with lots of enthusiasm. When she stepped in , she looks up high at the police logo located at the top baluster and sighed sarcastically till a stout hairy faced constable shooked her back to the reality with a question. "First day of posting order? You should not have this much of impudent, brazen-faced rogue!!! Show some respect for this institute, in order to be respected. Now, get your first official letter from the deputy police at the 3 rd floor and do not forget to dump your disdainful look before entering because he is a capable to roar like a gas-powered lawn mover or sometimes hunt like a hungry tiger". "I think you should learn to talk less as an office boy!!!",said by Jemima. Swiftly, Jemima climed up the stairs and the clock tower strucks  12.00 pm. Another good-looking elderly police officer was opposite of Jemima's pathway. As they were about to exchange a smile, the office analog clock strickes 12.00 pm, a loud blast bombared  from outside was heard. The elderly officer's face instantly became pale, Jemima turned back and climbed down the stairs. The stout police and Jemima dashed outside to see what happened. There were lots of red flakes flying and floating in the contaminated air. Before us, there were a police crowd at the rusty main iron gate of the office. It was a non -license fire cracker  lighted up by someone in front of the office ,but it sounded like a bomb blast. They also left an opened saddle-brown box with a letter written "FIND ME". It was strange , everyone was surprised and curious. Jemima walked back to the 3rd floor without any worries over what had happened. Even the stout police officer noticed that.  

Being good is a futile attempt if you are frightened, being evil is a utilizable attempt at all situation. - Jainisha 

(this quote means that when one is evil, he or she is  capable to do anything even to hide their fear.)

This is the first chapter. hope you will like it and give your comments so that i can improve my skills. Love you all my brothers and sisters, Don't forget to vote my story if you think i deserve it. 

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