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I wake up slowly rubbing my blurry eyes and rub against my developing stubble grimacing at the growth and stand up, my head felt like I had been clubbed with a chainsaw severally.

Then I stare at the mirror and the nagging fact that had been prodding at me is clear, I wasn't me.

I had been David, the chubby kid always holding a snack bar at all times and still had rubbery arms but now I looked like a Norwegian supermodel complete with the piercing gray eyes and buffed physique. My skin was free of acnes and the freckles I had always hated, the bedroom felt different and too luxurious.

Everything was different.

My puppy wasn't lying by my side, I stared at the mirror. The face though it wasn't mine felt familiar, I had seen this face staring openly with jealousy at it or rather as it's owner.

I am Richard Kindle....

The all-american boy with the picture perfect life and the magazine cover house, sole heir to the Kindle fortune and the coolest kid in school.

I had been standing in front of a magazine kiosk, the design was barbaric and arcane. It was run by the old lady no one bothered to buy from mostly because of her eccentric dressing & behavior, a cold draft in the air chilling me to my bones and I had stared at the magazine once again decorating it's covers with the face of Richard Kindle.

I became angry, smashing my cholocate bar in my palm and feeling the sticky delight ooze out. Face it I was never going to be as handsome and perfect as him, people like him were one in a billion excessively rich but nice. He had saved me from some bullying episodes before but time after time I would walk away without saying thank you because he reminded me of everything I wasn't.

The magazine figure had moved, the piercing eyes mocking me and the voice distinctly similar to that of Richard Kindle asking me a question I had always known the answer to.

"Do you want to be me?"


I sat down, the part of how I had become Richard Kindle was surreal but how exactly was my old self, had it vanished from existence or was Richard trapped in my less than average body.

I stood up yawning enjoying watching my muscles contract in the mirror, I now had a narcissistic side loving the reflection of who I now was and will be. The shower panel was complicated and took me nearly ten minutes to get hot water, it washed over me and I loved it.

Usually my morning routine was cramming lots of sweets into my mouth as I dressed but now that I had a second chance I wasn't going to make a mistake, my closet was huge and gave up thinking of what Richard would wear opting for a black sweatshirt and skinny jeans.

Both were designers and I felt my phone ring, I had spent most of my life hating Richard but yet freakishly obsessing over being him. I knew all his friends & family not personally but the name on the screen puzzled me.


It was a female name but I knew Richard was dating Audrey Spencer and there were no Naomi's in his list of friends or family.

"How are you enjoying it?"


"Living the life you always wanted, being the boy you always knew you could be".

STARING THROUGH THE EYES OF A WATTPADERWhere stories live. Discover now